About camera sample playback errors

I am connected to the attached camera with reference to the setup video of Xavier to play the sample, but I can not play it due to the following error.

nvidia @ tegra-ubuntu: / usr / local / driveworks / bin $ ./sample_drivenetNcameras --input-type = camera
[04-07-2017 08:02:50] Platform: Detected DDPX-Tegra A
[04-07-2017 08:02:50] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v2.0.2081
[04-07-2017 08:02:50] Release build with GNU 4.9.4 from heads / buildbrain-branch-0-g36b127f against Drive PDK v5.1.0.2
[04-07-2017 08:02:50] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1499153885580204
[04-07-2017 08:02:50] PTP Time is available from NVPPS Driver
[04-07-2017 08:02:50] Platform: number of GPU devices detected 1
[04-07-2017 08:02:50] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[04-07-2017 08:02:50] SDK: Resources mounted from …/./data/
[04-07-2017 08:02:50] SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
[04-07-2017 08:02:50] SDK: use EGL display as provided
[04-07-2017 08:02:50] SensorFactory :: createSensor ()-> camera.gmsl, camera-group = a, camera-type = ar0231-rccb-bae-sf3324, serialize = false, output-format = raw, camera-count = 4, camera-mask = 0001, slave = 0, fifo-size = 5
[04-07-2017 08:02:50] CameraGMSL: Create NvMediaIPPManager
[04-07-2017 08:02:50] CameraGMSL: required FPS = 30, resolution = 1920x1208
nvmedia isc: IscPwrCtrlInit: 939: Camera power control library: NVCCP
Max96712 Rev 2 detected!
MAX96712: Enable periodic AEQ on Link 0
MAX96705: Pre-emphasis set to 0xaa
Sensor AR0231 RCCB Rev7 detected!
(NvCapture) Error IoctlFailed: capture setup ioctl failed: 5 (in /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/camera/capture/nvcapture/capture_hw_linux.c, function NvCaptureLinuxChannelOpen (), line 157)
(NvCapture) Error IoctlFailed: (propagating from /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/camera/capture/nvcapture/capture.c, function NvCaptureChannelHwBackendOpen (), line 1169)
(NvCapture) Error IoctlFailed: (propagating from /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/camera/capture/nvcapture/capture.c, function NvCaptureChannelSetAttribute (), line 1241)
SetSourceSequence: failed to set channel source attribute
ICPCreate: captureCreate failed
CreateGroup: failed for create ICP instance 0
[IppIcpExComponentCreateNew: 634] Failed to create ICP
[NvMediaIPPComponentCreateNew: 806] Failed to create NVMEDIA_IPP_COMPONENT_ICP_EX component
[04-07-2017 08:02:57] Driveworks exception thrown: DW_NVMEDIA_ERROR: CameraGMSL: Can not setup pipeline: 7

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std :: runtime_error’
  what (): [2017-07-04 08:02:57] DW Error DW_NVMEDIA_ERROR executing DW function:
 dwSAL_createSensor (& salSensor, salParams, sal)
 at /dvs/git/dirty/gitlab-master_av/dw/sdk/samples/drivenet/drivenet_ncameras/main.cpp: 690
Aborted (core dumped)

Please tell me how to resolve.

Dear s18,
Could you share the used camera details

Camera kit enclosed in Xavier GMSL camera kit SEKONIX 2MP RCCB AR0231 60 ° FOV

Dear s18,
Are you able to run any other camera samples like sample_camera_gmsl? What is your Aurix version?

It was not possible to play back sample_camera_gmsl (without camera connection). The terminal results are shown below.

I’m afraid I’m not studying enough. What is Aurix? How do you check the version?

nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:/usr/local/driveworks/bin$ ./sample_camera_gmsl input–type=camera
[04-07-2017 08:41:52] Platform: Detected DDPX - Tegra A
[04-07-2017 08:41:52] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v2.0.2081
[04-07-2017 08:41:52] Release build with GNU 4.9.4 from heads/buildbrain-branch-0-g36b127f against Drive PDK v5.1.0.2
[04-07-2017 08:41:52] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1499153885633523
[04-07-2017 08:41:52] PTP Time is available from NVPPS Driver
[04-07-2017 08:41:52] Platform: number of GPU devices detected 1
[04-07-2017 08:41:52] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[04-07-2017 08:41:52] SDK: Resources mounted from …/./data/
[04-07-2017 08:41:52] SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
[04-07-2017 08:41:52] SDK: use EGL display as provided
[04-07-2017 08:41:52] Initialize DriveWorks VisualizationSDK v2.0.2081
[04-07-2017 08:41:52] Initialize DriveWorksGL SDK v2.0.2081
[04-07-2017 08:41:52] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl, output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,isp-mode=yuv420-uint8,camera-type=ar0231-rccb-bae-sf3324,camera-group=a,slave=0
[04-07-2017 08:41:52] CameraGMSL: Create NvMediaIPPManager
[04-07-2017 08:41:52] CameraGMSL: required FPS = 30, resolution = 1920x1208
nvmedia isc: IscPwrCtrlInit: 939: Camera power control library: NVCCP
Max96712 Rev 2 detected!
MAX96712: Enable periodic AEQ on Link 0
MAX96705: Pre-emphasis set to 0xaa
Sensor AR0231 RCCB Rev7 detected!
(NvCapture) Error IoctlFailed: capture setup ioctl failed: 5 (in /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/camera/capture/nvcapture/capture_hw_linux.c, function NvCaptureLinuxChannelOpen(), line 157)
(NvCapture) Error IoctlFailed: (propagating from /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/camera/capture/nvcapture/capture.c, function NvCaptureChannelHwBackendOpen(), line 1169)
(NvCapture) Error IoctlFailed: (propagating from /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/camera/capture/nvcapture/capture.c, function NvCaptureChannelSetAttribute(), line 1241)
SetSourceSequence: failed to set channel source attribute
ICPCreate: captureCreate failed
CreateGroup: failed for create ICP instance 0
[IppIcpExComponentCreateNew:634] Failed to create ICP
[NvMediaIPPComponentCreateNew:806] Failed to create NVMEDIA_IPP_COMPONENT_ICP_EX component
[04-07-2017 08:41:59] Driveworks exception thrown: DW_NVMEDIA_ERROR: CameraGMSL: Cannot setup pipeline : 7

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): [2017-07-04 08:41:59] DW Error DW_NVMEDIA_ERROR executing DW function:
dwSAL_createSensor(&m_camera, params, m_sal)
at /dvs/git/dirty/gitlab-master_av/dw/sdk/samples/sensors/camera/camera_gmsl/main.cpp:174
Aborted (core dumped)

No camera
nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:/usr/local/driveworks/bin$ ./sample_camera_gmsl
[04-07-2017 08:44:50] Platform: Detected DDPX - Tegra A
[04-07-2017 08:44:50] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v2.0.2081
[04-07-2017 08:44:50] Release build with GNU 4.9.4 from heads/buildbrain-branch-0-g36b127f against Drive PDK v5.1.0.2
[04-07-2017 08:44:50] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1499153885633523
[04-07-2017 08:44:50] PTP Time is available from NVPPS Driver
[04-07-2017 08:44:50] Platform: number of GPU devices detected 1
[04-07-2017 08:44:50] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[04-07-2017 08:44:51] SDK: Resources mounted from …/./data/
[04-07-2017 08:44:51] SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
[04-07-2017 08:44:51] SDK: use EGL display as provided
[04-07-2017 08:44:51] Initialize DriveWorks VisualizationSDK v2.0.2081
[04-07-2017 08:44:51] Initialize DriveWorksGL SDK v2.0.2081
[04-07-2017 08:44:51] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl, output-format=yuv,fifo-size=3,isp-mode=yuv420-uint8,camera-type=ar0231-rccb-bae-sf3324,camera-group=a,slave=0
[04-07-2017 08:44:51] CameraGMSL: Create NvMediaIPPManager
[04-07-2017 08:44:51] CameraGMSL: required FPS = 30, resolution = 1920x1208
nvmedia isc: IscPwrCtrlInit: 939: Camera power control library: NVCCP
Max96712 Rev 2 detected!
MAX96712: Enable periodic AEQ on Link 0
MAX96705: Pre-emphasis set to 0xaa
Sensor AR0231 RCCB Rev7 detected!
(NvCapture) Error IoctlFailed: capture setup ioctl failed: 5 (in /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/camera/capture/nvcapture/capture_hw_linux.c, function NvCaptureLinuxChannelOpen(), line 157)
(NvCapture) Error IoctlFailed: (propagating from /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/camera/capture/nvcapture/capture.c, function NvCaptureChannelHwBackendOpen(), line 1169)
(NvCapture) Error IoctlFailed: (propagating from /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/camera/capture/nvcapture/capture.c, function NvCaptureChannelSetAttribute(), line 1241)
SetSourceSequence: failed to set channel source attribute
ICPCreate: captureCreate failed
CreateGroup: failed for create ICP instance 0
[IppIcpExComponentCreateNew:634] Failed to create ICP
[NvMediaIPPComponentCreateNew:806] Failed to create NVMEDIA_IPP_COMPONENT_ICP_EX component
[04-07-2017 08:44:58] Driveworks exception thrown: DW_NVMEDIA_ERROR: CameraGMSL: Cannot setup pipeline : 7

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): [2017-07-04 08:44:58] DW Error DW_NVMEDIA_ERROR executing DW function:
dwSAL_createSensor(&m_camera, params, m_sal)
at /dvs/git/dirty/gitlab-master_av/dw/sdk/samples/sensors/camera/camera_gmsl/main.cpp:174
Aborted (core dumped)

Dear s18,
Please check the below command on Host PC

sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB3

After connecting to aurix via minicom, check below command on aurix terminal.

shell> version

Also, could you please check the thread https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1056310/general/sw9-0-gmsl-camera-sample-fails-to-run/ if it helps

The version of Aurix is below

shell> version
Info: Executing cmd: version, argc: 0, args:
SW Version: DRIVE-V5.1.0-E3550-EB-Aurix-ForHyperion-3.02.07
Compilation date: Apr 2 2019, 14:40:07
Command Executed

Dear s18,

Could you please reboot(cold boot) the system and try to run the camera samples?
After powering off the NVIDIA DRIVE AGX System and waiting for more than 20 seconds before powering on the system.

Shut down and run $ ./sudo sample_camera_gmsl then
  $ ./sample_drivenetNcameras-I was able to execute the sample of --input-type = camera.