Hello Everyone,
I would like to know If I made any mistakes during my tests about the performances of TrafficCamNet on my Jetson AGX Xavier, because NVIDIA declares that with this network on Xavier I can get 420FPS but I did not get any results better than 338 fps through the deepstream sample app.
Nvidia Link:
I configured the pgie file and the deepstream file as following:
pgie config file:
Hello Morgan,
My Jetson Xavier is already working in that way.
I really would like to know if you with your environment can analyse 420 fps with trafficCamNet, because I really can not overcame the 338 fps threshold.
Hello @Morganh
I did not retrain the default trafficCamNet, I am currently using the trafficCamNet int8 precision on my Jetson Xavier.
If you can, could you please tell me if you get 420FPS with the standard model that NVIDIA provided?
Hello @Morganh
I have a problem with TrafficCamNet, I have compared the results between TrafficCamNet and PeopleNet
and I realised that:
if do not set any tracker and any inference interval TrafficCamNet is faster then PeopleNet as expected but If I set NVDCF tracker PeopleNet become faster then TrafficCamNet, and this behaviour is unexpected, I am going to share with you my results: PLATFORM