Trying to flash MCX312C-XCCT but PSID differs


I have a couple of these adapters:

# lspci -d 15b3:
02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27520 Family [ConnectX-3 Pro]

When I query for the PSID, I get:

# mstflint -d 02:00.0 q
Image type:            FS2
FW Version:            2.40.5030
FW Release Date:       4.1.2017
Rom Info:              type=PXE version=3.4.746
Device ID:             4103
Description:           Node             Port1            Port2            Sys image
GUIDs:                 ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff
MACs:                                       08c0eb0fe440     08c0eb0fe441
PSID:                  EMC0000000002

However, when I try to flash with the latest fw, i get:

# mstflint -d 02:00.0 -i fw-ConnectX3Pro-rel-2_42_5000-MCX312C-XCC_Ax-FlexBoot-3.4.752.bin b

    Current FW version on flash:  2.40.5030
    New FW version:               2.42.5000

-E- PSID mismatch. The PSID on flash (EMC0000000002) differs from the PSID in the given image (MT_2340111023).

Is there anyway around this?
Many thanks.

The card is managed by DELL (EMC0000000002) hence you will have to contact them for support for this PSID.

You can try checking if your cards are listed on this page.

If not, there’s nothing we can do here.
