Hi all,
I’ve been trying to get a DSI lcd panel (720x720, 4") up and running on a P3489 with our custom carrier boards, and am having a few issues.
I can see the panel in Ubuntu’s display manager, xrandr, and fbset as expected, but am trying to fix the following issue:
The first horizontal line of the display seems to repeat for all vertical lines, so while I see some activity on the display, it is all just straight lines of different colors spanning top to bottom.
I would expect the below image to show the ubuntu desktop shortcuts bar on the left hand side, and a black desktop background:
I’ve tried my best to replicate the panel’s datasheet specs in the device tree, which mentions clock on TX only, and burst mode, but I always see “Forcing continuous clock”, and picking one of the burst modes makes the panel fade in and out continuously.
Hoping someone who’s successfully brought up a DSI panel and/or nvidia folks can point me in the right direction here. Thanks in advance!
Device Tree snippet:
/ {
host1x {
dsi {
panel_tf_720_4_0: panel-tf-720-4-0 {
status = “okay”;
compatible = “tf,720-4-0”;
nvidia,panel-rst-gpio = <&tegra_main_gpio TEGRA_MAIN_GPIO(P, 3) GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
nvidia,dsi-te-gpio = <&tegra_aon_gpio TEGRA_AON_GPIO(U, 1) GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
//nvidia,panel-bl-en-gpio = <&tegra_aon_gpio TEGRA_AON_GPIO(U, 3) GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
//nvidia,panel-bl-pwm-gpio = <&tegra_aon_gpio TEGRA_AON_GPIO(U, 5) GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
nvidia,dsi-instance = <DSI_INSTANCE_0>;
nvidia,dsi-n-data-lanes = <4>;
nvidia,dsi-pixel-format = <TEGRA_DSI_PIXEL_FORMAT_24BIT_P>;
nvidia,dsi-refresh-rate = <60>;
nvidia,dsi-video-data-type = <TEGRA_DSI_VIDEO_TYPE_VIDEO_MODE>;
nvidia,dsi-video-clock-mode = <TEGRA_DSI_VIDEO_CLOCK_TX_ONLY>;
nvidia,dsi-video-burst-mode = <TEGRA_DSI_VIDEO_NONE_BURST_MODE_WITH_SYNC_END>;
nvidia,dsi-virtual-channel = <TEGRA_DSI_VIRTUAL_CHANNEL_0>;
nvidia,dsi-panel-reset = <TEGRA_DSI_ENABLE>;
nvidia,dsi-power-saving-suspend = <TEGRA_DSI_DISABLE>;
nvidia,dsi-ulpm-not-support = <TEGRA_DSI_ENABLE>;
nvidia,dsi-init-cmd =
nvidia,dsi-n-init-cmd = <13>;
nvidia,dsi-suspend-cmd = <0x0 DSI_DCS_WRITE_0_PARAM DSI_DCS_SET_DISPLAY_OFF 0x0 0x0>,
nvidia,dsi-n-suspend-cmd = <3>;
disp-default-out {
nvidia,out-type = <TEGRA_DC_OUT_DSI>;
nvidia,out-width = <71>;
nvidia,out-height = <71>;
nvidia,out-flags = <TEGRA_DC_OUT_CONTINUOUS_MODE>;
nvidia,out-parent-clk = “pll_d”;
nvidia,out-xres = <720>;
nvidia,out-yres = <720>;
nvidia,out-align = <TEGRA_DC_ALIGN_LSB>;
nvidia,out-order = <TEGRA_DC_ORDER_RED_BLUE>;
display-timings {
720x720-60 {
clock-frequency = <34600000>;
hactive = <720>;
vactive = <720>;
hfront-porch = <10>;
hback-porch = <20>;
hsync-len = <20>;
vfront-porch = <10>;
vback-porch = <9>;
vsync-len = <10>;
nvidia,h-ref-to-sync = <0>;
nvidia,v-ref-to-sync = <0>;
Xrandr output:
Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 4560 x 2160, maximum 32767 x 32767
DSI-0 connected 720x720+3840+1440 inverted (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm
720x720 59.99*+
fbset output:
mode “720x720-60”
# D: 34.601 MHz, H: 44.936 kHz, V: 59.995 Hz
geometry 720 720 720 720 32
timings 28901 20 10 9 10 20 10
hsync high
vsync high
rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,8/24
kernel dmesg output snippet (I had recompiled of_dc.c with the debug macro enabled):
[ 1.165981] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: disp0 connected to head0->/host1x/dsi
[ 1.166023] OF_DC_LOG: fb bpp 32
[ 1.166029] tegra_cec 3960000.tegra_cec: Enable clock result: 0.
[ 1.166038] OF_DC_LOG: fb flip on probe
[ 1.166046] OF_DC_LOG: dsi controller vs DSI_VS_1
[ 1.166052] tegra_cec 3960000.tegra_cec: tegra_cec_init started
[ 1.166056] OF_DC_LOG: Enable hs clock in lp mode 1
[ 1.166066] OF_DC_LOG: n data lanes 4
[ 1.166072] OF_DC_LOG: dsi video NONE_BURST_MODE_WITH_SYNC_END
[ 1.166078] OF_DC_LOG: dsi pixel format 24BIT_P
[ 1.166083] OF_DC_LOG: dsi refresh rate 60
[ 1.166089] OF_DC_LOG: dsi virtual channel 0
[ 1.166093] OF_DC_LOG: dsi instance 0
[ 1.166100] OF_DC_LOG: dsi panel reset 1
[ 1.166159] OF_DC_LOG: dsi te_gpio 265
[ 1.166165] OF_DC_LOG: dsi power saving suspend 0
[ 1.166170] OF_DC_LOG: dsi ulpm_not_supported 1
[ 1.166175] OF_DC_LOG: dsi video type VIDEO_MODE
[ 1.166207] OF_DC_LOG: dsi video clock mode TX_ONLY
[ 1.166212] OF_DC_LOG: dsi n_init_cmd 13
[ 1.166223] OF_DC_LOG: dsi n_suspend_cmd 3
[ 1.166257] OF_DC_LOG: boardinfo platform_boardid = 0 platform_boardversion = 0 display_boardid = 0 display_boardversion = 0
[ 1.166269] OF_DC_LOG: dc flag 1
[ 1.166275] OF_DC_LOG: out_width 71
[ 1.166279] OF_DC_LOG: out_height 71
[ 1.166291] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: No hpd-gpio in DT
[ 1.166300] OF_DC_LOG: default_out flag 0
[ 1.166304] OF_DC_LOG: tegra dc align lsb
[ 1.166309] OF_DC_LOG: tegra order red to blue
[ 1.166315] OF_DC_LOG: parent clk pll_d
[ 1.166320] OF_DC_LOG: framebuffer xres 720
[ 1.166325] OF_DC_LOG: framebuffer yres 720
[ 1.166340] OF_DC_LOG: of pclk 34600000
[ 1.166352] OF_DC_LOG: fb window Index 0
[ 1.166356] OF_DC_LOG: win mask 0x7
[ 1.166362] OF_DC_LOG: cmu enable 1
[ 1.166367] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: DT parsed successfully
[ 1.166394] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: Display dc.ffffff800b690000 registered with id=0
[ 1.166727] tegra_cec 3960000.tegra_cec: cec_add_sysfs ret=0
[ 1.166734] tegra_cec 3960000.tegra_cec: probed
[ 1.176807] tegra_nvdisp_bandwidth_register_max_config: max config iso bw = 16727000 KB/s
[ 1.176816] tegra_nvdisp_bandwidth_register_max_config: max config EMC floor = 665600000 Hz
[ 1.176821] tegra_nvdisp_bandwidth_register_max_config: max config hubclk = 357620000 Hz
[ 1.177139] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: vblank syncpt # 8 for dc 0
[ 1.177150] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: vpulse3 syncpt # 9 for dc 0
[ 1.180967] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: Force clock continuous mode
[ 1.183608] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: probed
[ 1.250327] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: dsi: ClkPost mipi range violated
[ 1.263461] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: dsi: ClkPost mipi range violated
[ 1.526380] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: dsi: ClkPost mipi range violated
[ 1.596375] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: dsi: video fifo overflow. Resetting flag
[ 1.605537] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: dsi: ClkPost mipi range violated
[ 1.614446] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: dsi: ClkPost mipi range violated