Tx2 recovery OS doesn't work with flash.sh either

Is your host machine a VM ?

1 I put the card in recovery mode
2 insert the USB cable
3 start flash command

unfortunately sometimes he answers me with this message:

##################################################################################################### ##############################

L4T BSP Information:

R32, REVISION: 6.1

##################################################################################################### ##############################
Error: probing the target board failed.
Make sure the target board is connected through
USB port and is in recovery mode.

then I disconnect usb, reconnect usb and restart flash command, until the procedure starts and after a few seconds it stops until the message:

[1.9940] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x18 0 --rcm rcm_list_signed.xml
[1.9958] BootRom is not running
[8.1911] tegrarcm_v2 --isapplet
[1020.1818] tegradevflash_v2 --iscpubl
[1020.1831] CPU Bootloader is not running on device.

no VM , pc intel i7core ubuntu 18.04
it is the same pc with the same ubuntu with which i had reset tx2 last year

it is the same pc with the same ubuntu with which I had restored tx2 last year, I also tried with a VM with the same results.

I tried to change the usb port, but I have not yet tried to change the pc, because as an ubuntu 18 laptop I only have this. Then I have a fixed one, but there is no ubuntu installed because I use it for graphics programs and I need windows

Have you ever changed the micro usb cable? Are you able to use this cable to open ttyACM0 on your host with minicom when jetson is booting into kernel?

if I bought an Orbitty carier ASG003 card, which I already wanted to buy last year to reduce space, could I solve the problem? or could it be the TX2 module that is damaged and not the developer moderboard?

No one can know. That is why you should follow my suggestion first. To save your money.

ttyACM0 is the usb port that appears when i connect arduino to ubuntu, while when i connect tx2 or other sensor it always appears ttyUSB0, i don’t understand your question


What is the exact interface you dump the uart log? ttyUSB0?

yes ttyUSB0 with that I connect with Minicom and download the log, but only if it starts tx2 in a normal way

UART → ttyUSB0.

When the board is booting up (not recovery mode), the “micro usb port” will give out a interface “ttyACM0” on your host side if you are using rel-32 release.

This can be used to validate whether the micro usb port is still working or not.

I start tx2 in a normal way and tell you which ports I see from the Host

and can I check the exact version of tx2? if I’m not mistaken I had installed 4.4 last year, but how can I verify it?

Check /etc/nv_tegra_release on your device side.

ok verified: started tx2 in normal way, with the command ls / dev / tty * a ttyACM0 appears and if I also connect the usb connected to the GPIO pins with the adapter, a / dev / ttyUSB0 also appears.

And can you use minicom to open ttyACM0 and see the console?

wait i try

if I use the ttyACM0 port it asks me for user and password and I enter tx2 in the desktop folder
tx2-desktop login: tx2
Ultimo accesso: sab 5 feb 13.34.02 CET 2022 da su pts/0
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.9.140-tegra aarch64)

To restore this content, you can run the ‘unminimize’ command.

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-bash: /home/tx2/ws_livox/devel/setup.bash: File o directory non esistente
tx2@tx2-desktop:~$ ls
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Then I guess the usb port is still working fine. Maybe you can try different host.