Hi all,
I’m currently trying to connect an XBee device to the Jetson Nano using UART on the J41 header. I’ve run the command below to disable nvgetty.
systemctl stop nvgetty
systemctl disable nvgetty
udevadm trigger
When the UART is not connected to anything, I tried running my script to capture the UART signal using an oscilloscope and the data looks good (refer image1 below)
Image 1^
Everything looks good to me, however, once I have the XBee device connected to the UART (I did connect the 3.3v and ground to the nano as well) the data just goes crazy. Ideally, when no data is being sent, the UART line should be holding the 3.3v high all the time, but once the XBee device is connect it just goes haywire (refer image2&3).
image 2 & 3 ^^
I’ve got no idea why as this is happening, both device UART is working perfectly fine when test individually, but it doesn’t work when connected. Hopefully, someone has some idea as to why this is happening.