UEFI support on Jetson Xavier NX


It seems UEFI has been support Jetson Xavier NX as follows.

However, I have tried the step:
sudo ./flash.sh jetson-xavier-nx-uefi external

After flash run completed, system reboot and black screen. NO any display.
Could you confirm such feature support on Jetson Xavier NX platfrom?


It’s supported but it’s still experimental and suitable for testing only.

  • You must be using a UEFI capable distribution like a standard release of Ubuntu for arm64, Fedora for aarch64, etc that has a 5.x linux kernel and grub2. Follow their instructions to create an sdcard image. You can’t use the existing JetPack/Linux for Tegra images based on the linux 4.9 kernel.
  • You must have a serial console connected to the UART pins on either the button header (J14) or the 40-pin header in order to interact with the bootloader and grub. The video console currently isn’t initialized until after the kernel is loaded.
  • Many things won’t work at this stage…
    • SPI
    • GPU acceleration of desktop
    • I2C on 40-pin header pins 3, 5.
    • Changing pin assignments on the 40-pin header.
  • Since you need a standard distribution, the nvidia libraries that get installed with JetPack/L4T aren’t available.
  • and more

Here’s a link to the thread I started with my first impressions…

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