UEFI boot issues

Hello everyone,

Sometimes NX boot failed and enter the following, and i cannot input any keyboard information by serial. It seems to enter an infinite loop beause the NX can not boot normally.

What happed to this?

Thank you.

BTW, the JetPack is 5.1.1

R35 (release), REVISION: 3.1, GCID: 32827747, BOARD: t186ref, EABI: aarch64, DATE: Sun Mar 19 15:19:21 UTC 2023

 NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit                                          
 Not Specified                                       1.90 GHz                   
 3.1-32827747                                        0 MB RAM                   
 WARNING: Test key detected.                                                    
   Select Language            <Standard English>         This is the option     
                                                         one adjusts to change  
 > Device Manager                                        the language for the   
 > Boot Manager                                          current system         
 > Boot Maintenance Manager                                                     
   Select Language            <Standard English>         This is the option     
                                                         one adjusts to change  
 > Device Manager                                        the language for the   
 > Boot Manager                                          current system         
 > Boot Maintenance Manager                                                     
   Select Language            <Standard English>         This is the option     
                                                         one adjusts to change  
 > Device Manager                                        the language for the   
 > Boot Manager                                          current system         
 > Boot Maintenance Manager                                                     

Hi ultwcz1997,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for Xavier NX?

This is the UEFI menu, which could be entered through pressing ESC during boot up.

Do you connect any USB keyboard/mouse or any other serial devices?
Or the monitor would show the similar messages?

Hi @KevinFFF
Are you using the devkit or custom board for Xavier NX?

custom board.

Do you connect any USB keyboard/mouse or any other serial devices?

No, i did not connect any.

the monitor would show the similar messages?

I not use monitor.

This is the UEFI menu, which could be entered through pressing ESC during boot up.

Yes, but it will show all time, and i did not enter system.

BTW, when i used debug port and tried to input some information, like move highlight or enter, nothing happened.

Can i discard UEFI menu? I do not need it.

Thank you.

It seems something triggered to enter into UEFI menu during boot up.

You could refer to the following thread to disable this UEFI menu.
How to disable UEFI setup screen? - #2

So i should remove PlatformRegisterOptionsAndKeys () and recompile UEFI to replace the original.


OK, I will try it.

BTW, why can I not move anything at the UEFI boot menu when I used debug serial?

Thank you.

It seems like something interfering your serial, it causes you entering into UEFI menu and also not work for switching the items.

Maybe the serial signals are not stable, I will try to check the hardware design.

Thank you.

One thing to consider if a prompt is being triggered by a serial UART is if the default state is high or low. Sometimes a tie-down or tie-up for a default, if missing, can be mistaken for UART activity. I’d check the default up/down.

OK, thank you for your reply. I will check the default state of UART.

Hi @KevinFFF

I am so sorry, i try to clone the repository these days, but it always failed, connect timeout.

How can i get source code in another way?

Thank you.

You could download UEFI source as .zip from Github as following:

Please switch branch to r35.3.1-updates first, and use Download ZIP to download it directly.

OK, thank you.

Hi, @KevinFFF
I have commented PlatformRegisterOptionsAndKeys ()
But it still enter boot menu.
compied info

Jetson UEFI firmware (version 202305.1-29f6c01-dirty built on 2023-07-05T11:44:44+08:00)

Boot menu

 NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit                                          
 Not Specified                                       0.00 GHz                   
 202305.1-29f6c01-dirty                              8192 MB RAM                
 WARNING: Test key detected.                                                    
   Select Language            <English>                  This selection will    
                                                         take you to the Boot   
 > Device Manager                                        Manager                
 > Boot Manager                                                                 
 > Boot Maintenance Manager                                                     
  ^v=Move Highlight       <Enter>=Select Entry

How did you update UEFI?
It should not entering UEFI menu w/o this function.

Complie source code to get uefi_Jetson_RELEASE.binand cp to bootloader/uefi_jetson.bin


sudo ROOTFS_ENC=1 ./flash.sh -r -k cpu-bootloader jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc mmcblk0p1

Could you help to try flashing the whole board with the following command?

sudo ROOTFS_ENC=1 ./flash.sh jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc mmcblk0p1