Hello everyone,
Sometimes NX boot failed and enter the following, and i cannot input any keyboard information by serial. It seems to enter an infinite loop beause the NX can not boot normally.
What happed to this?
Thank you.
BTW, the JetPack is 5.1.1
R35 (release), REVISION: 3.1, GCID: 32827747, BOARD: t186ref, EABI: aarch64, DATE: Sun Mar 19 15:19:21 UTC 2023
NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit
Not Specified 1.90 GHz
3.1-32827747 0 MB RAM
WARNING: Test key detected.
Select Language <Standard English> This is the option
one adjusts to change
> Device Manager the language for the
> Boot Manager current system
> Boot Maintenance Manager
Select Language <Standard English> This is the option
one adjusts to change
> Device Manager the language for the
> Boot Manager current system
> Boot Maintenance Manager
Select Language <Standard English> This is the option
one adjusts to change
> Device Manager the language for the
> Boot Manager current system
> Boot Maintenance Manager