Unable to flash JetPack 6.0 GA image onto microSD using balenaEtcher

I recently acquired a Jetson Orin Nano Dev Kit, and I’ve been following the instructions from this guide to start using it.
I’ve updated the firmware and now am at the stage where I’m supposed to flash JetPack 6.0 to my SD card.

However, I’m unable to flash the jp60-orin-nano-sd-card-image.zip file that I’m downloading from the guide. it just gets to the end and it never ends, it’s just stuck saying “Finishing…”, I’ve tried leaving it alone at least one hour, and the most I was willing to wait was 4 hours (just killed that process). I’ve tried 3 different computers and 3 different SD Cards.

Computers tried:

  • Macbook Air (mac os sequoia)
  • Macbook Pro M3 Max (mac os sonoma)
  • Windows Laptop (windows 10)

SD Cards tried:

  • Samsung EVO Select 128 Gb (used this one first to update firmware)
  • Samsung EVO Plus 64 Gb
  • SanDisk Ultra 32 Gb

I’ve also reinstalled BalenaEtcher in all 3 machines. After each failed attempt I formatted the SD cards and started over.

Just to be sure that it wasn’t an issue on all 3 SD cards, I used balenaEtcher to flash a debian ISO on to them (I only ran this test on the Macbook Pro and Windows systems), And all 6 times that I tried that, balenaEtcher finished without any issues. That, along with the fact that I had no issues flashing JetPack 5.1.3, leads me to believe that the issue is with the image I’m trying to flash.

I think I’ve exhausted all possible options on my end. I don’t know if anyone else has been having this issue, but I don’t see anything I can do from my end to fix this.

Could you boot up the devkit successful at this moment?

Please share the full flash log for further check.

Do you have the Ubuntu host to use SDK Manager to flash the devkit?

@KevinFFF Could you boot up the devkit successful at this moment?

I tried putting in the SD card as it is, and it tries to boot but it doesn’t, it’s just stuck. The boot screen has this on it:

Jetson System firmware version 36.3.0-gcid-36106755 date 2024-04-25T02:38:25+00:00
ESC to enter Setup.
F11 to enter Boot Manager Menu.
Enter to continue boot.
L4T Launcher: Attempting Direct Boot
OpenAndReadUntrustedFileToBuffer: Failed to open boot\extlinux\extlinux.conf: Volume Corrupt
ProcessExtLinuxConfig:sds Failed to Authenticate boot\extlinux\extlinux.conf (Volume Corrupt)
L4TLauncher: Unable to process extlinux config: Volume Corrupt
L4TLauncher: Attempting Kernel Boot
EFI stub: Booting Linux Kernel...
EFI stub: Using DIB from configuration table
EFI stub: Loaded initrd from LINUX_EFI_INITRD_MEDIA_GUID device path
EFI stub: Exiting boot services...

Think it’s worth it to point out that I went through the first step of updating the firmware without any issues. The dev kit was able to boot, and I went through the initial software setup. So I have the updated firmware, and according to the guide, the next step is to flash the the JetPack 6.0 image to an SD card.

@KevinFFF Please share the full flash log for further check.

Tried another flash and attaching the log output in here.

jp6.log (351.1 KB)

@KevinFFF Do you have the Ubuntu host to use SDK Manager to flash the devkit?

I don’t have access to an ubuntu system.

Small update here. I tried to follow the mac instructions to flash the image using the command line from this other guide and I got an error after 9-ish minutes:

sd-blob.img             bad CRC 7d474412  (should be df575060)

This pretty much leads me to believe that the zip file is corrupt. I then ran shasum on the zip file that I have (jp60-orin-nano-sd-card-image.zip) and this is the output:


Tried looking for the checksums of the zip file but I was unable to find them, but if someone here is able to check or point me to the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. But my guess is that the file is somehow corrupt.

Update 2024-10-02 09:16 am (UTC-6)

Another update here. I found an image for JetPack 6.1 (jp61-orin-nano-sd-card-image.zip). Tried flashing that image to the SD card and it worked. It seems that the 6.1 image isn’t corrupted. However, that still doesn’t work. This is the output that I get when I try to boot the dev kit:

Jetson System firmware version 36.3.0-gcid-36106755 date 2024-04-25T02:38:25+00:00
ESC to enter Setup.
F11 to enter Boot Manager Menu.
Enter to continue boot.
L4T Launcher: Attempting Recovery Boot
EFI stub: Booting Linux Kernel...
EFI stub: Using DTB from configuration table
EFI stub: Loaded initrd from LINUX_EFI_INITRD_MEDIA_GUID device path
EFI stub: Exiting boot services..

For some reason it tries to boot in recovery mode, and then nothing, I just get a black screen with a cursor and nothing more. This is different behavior from when I tried booting using the 6.0 image (the one that seemed to never finish), where the dev kit was in an endless loop trying to boot.

I think this time for sure I have no more options on my end. I am really stuck here, and I’d really appreciate help here.

Hey guys, think I was able to solve the issue. I followed the instructions from this post:

It seems that my device went into recovery mode because it failed to boot 3 consecutive times (from when I tried to boot from the corrupted image). After setting the device to normal boot mode, the JetPack 6.1 image worked as expected, just went through the initial setup.


The Jetpack 6.0 image from this link seems to be corrupted. I think someone should really look into that, or at the very least update the guides pointing to that version (like the one I followed) to point to JetPack 6.1, this help people avoid this issue in the future.


Flash the JetPack 6.1 image from this link and boot normally. If your device has gone into recovery mode, you’ll need to set it to normal mode:

(Directly pulled from the post linked above)

Press ESC to enter UEFI Menu, then choose Device Manager → NVIDIA Configuration → L4T Configuration → OS chain A status → (The value is Unbootable if UEFI attemps recovery kernel) choose Normal → Save and exit, reboot, UEFI will try Direct Boot.


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