I’m getting the following error when I’m trying to perform instruction give under “2.4. Verifying The Install On Linux” section for verifying installation.
cd: /home/e/cudnn_samples_v8/mnistCUDNN: No such file or directory
Inside my /usr/src/cudnn_samples_v8 directory I only have one file “NVIDIA_SLA_cuDNN_Support.txt”
Installed cudnn and cuda versions are as follows
Are you still facing this issue.
Which method of installation are you following. Could you run successfully prior steps as mentioned in the docs without any error ?
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree… Done
Reading state information… Done
Package libcudnn8-samples is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Version ‘8.x.x.x-1+cudaX.Y~’ for ‘libcudnn8-samples’ was not found
Cant Nvidia just put the sample code to github just like you did with the CUDA toolkit sample codes? Why all the hoop-jumping. And from what I’ve seen this is not a singular issue, a lot of people is having issue locating and finding the cudnn sample codes.
First I installed Ubuntu 22.10 and for my happiness I noticed the SO had finally recognized my Geforce RTX 3070 Ti Laptop in all monitoring tools, including:
sudo lshw -c video
ubuntu-drivers devices
inxi -F
lspci -k | egrep -A 3 -i “vga|display|3d”
It wasn’t been recognized in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Even the wifi was recognized at the end of the installation. The nvidia toolkit (nvidia-smi, …) was automatically installed too. :)
I’ve aborted the first installation because it complained about the lack of a package and I’ve decided to install it first and them restart the installation process.
sudo nala install libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev
When it finished I could see the expected messages.
– Found CUDA: /home/…/miniconda3/envs/CV (found suitable version “12.0”, minimum required is “7.5”)
– Found cuDNN: /home/…/miniconda3/envs/CV/lib/libcudnn.so
Up to now I think changing to Ubuntu 22.10 was a good choice.
Thanks for all for replying. I finally found out the issue.
it has to do with the way you install the cuDNN, the sample code are only available if you are doing it with debian install (1.3.2)
it will not be included if you do it with the tar file you download from nvidia, neither would it work if you install it from Package Manager (sudo apt install)
the previous 2 methods will only install libcudnn8 and libcudnn8-dev packages, but not the libcudnn8-samples you need
so you can install the libraries with whatever method you want, but you will need to follow 1.3.2 of the cudnn install guide to get the libcudnn8-samples
also only cuda12.0 is available and not cuda12.1, so for e.g.
sudo apt-get install libcudnn8-samples=
(i wish they do include it for package manager/tar at least, would make it much easier)