Undefined symbol: _ZTV22OdAbstractDeserializer in isaac sim 4.2

Hi all, I just got ISAAC sim 4.2.
When I try to import from a CAD file, I bump into this error :

“/media/*/12dae5b9-af3b-42e8-8d60-dae2b57f4a49/isaac/Kit/Isaac-Sim/4.2/exts/3/omni.kit.converter.hoops_core-500.0.21+106.0.1.lx64.r.cp310/bin/libOdConstraints.so: undefined symbol: _ZTV22OdAbstractDeserializer”


Is this error reproducible only with specific CAD files, or does it occur with all CAD imports? If possible, try importing different CAD files to see if the issue persists.

Have you attempted to restart your computer and try the import again? Or reinstall Isaac Sim?

Hi @stefano.mutti

Isaac Sim 4.2 is implemented on top of Kit 106.1.0 so the correct extension version should be omni.kit.converter.hoops_core-500.0.17+106.1.0.lx64.r.cp310

“/media/*/12dae5b9-af3b-42e8-8d60-dae2b57f4a49/isaac/Kit/Isaac-Sim/4.2/exts/3/omni.kit.converter.hoops_core-500.0.21+106.0.1.lx64.r.cp310/bin/libOdConstraints.so: undefined symbol: _ZTV22OdAbstractDeserializer”

Try deleting the chache folder Kit in the path you have it

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I tried to reinstall isaac sim 4.2 and the error persists.

Hi @stefano.mutti

Try running Isaac Sim form terminal with the next CLI arguments: --clear-cache --clear-data --reset-user

I still have the same error with the additional args, even after I completely cleared the issac folders and installed it anew.

I encountered the same error when importing a STEP file.
Please help.

Config bUseCurrentStage: false ERROR: extscache/omni.kit.converter.hoops_core libOdConstraints.so: undefined symbol: _ZTV22OdAbstractDeserializer

I’m getting a similar error when importing .STEP file through import →
ERROR: /home//.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0/extscache/omni.kit.converter.hoops_core-500.0.17+106.1.0.lx64.r.cp310/bin/libOdConstraints.so: undefined symbol: _ZTV22OdAbstractDeserializer.

Can you help me with importing a.STEP file

| Input file: /model.SLDASM
| Config bInstancing: true
| Config bGlobalXforms: false
| Config bConvertHidden: false
| COnfig bConvertCurves: false
| Config bOptimize: true
| Config bDedup: true
| Config iTessLOD: 2
| Config bAccurateSurfaceCurvatures: true
| Config bUseNormals: true
| Config bUseMaterials: true
| Config bReportProgress: true
| Config bReportProgressFreq: 4
| Config bUseCurrentStage: false

Clean install of Isaac-sim 4.2.0 → first launch of app → convert CAD → ERROR:
/share/ov/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0/extscache/omni.kit.converter.hoops_core-500.0.17+106.1.0.lx64.r.cp310/bin/libOdConstraints.so: undefined symbol: _ZTV22OdAbstractDeserializer

It is very frustrating as previous versions (like 2023.1.0-hotfix.1, before versions 4.x.x) of IsaacSim could convert all those CAD files.

But NVIDIA does not allow to install versions below 4.0.0 anymore without any reason. How to download old versions of Isaac Sim

cc @VickNV - if you like I can send to some NVIDIA dev responsible for converter an example of CAD file which gives this error.

As a workaround you can download USD Composer and convert to USD there. This worked for all my CAD models.

It is version 2023.2.5 now and works 300% better than Isaac-sim in terms of bugs and speed.

Unfortunately there is no python component support for USD Composer, so that you cannot run robot simulations like in Isaac-sim.

Off-topic: It is very strange that same scene Path-traced rendering with Movie Capture in USD Composer is so fast and doesn’t crash in comparison with latest Isaac-sim.

Dear NVIDIA maybe you consider to rollback Isaac-sim or change dev teams working on Isaac-sim?

Please check if updating extensions mentioned in this forum topic help resolve your issues here:

Hi, I have the same version as you described, but still report the same error when importing a STEP format file, the same STEP file is in version 2023.1.1 without any problem, what is the reason for this?Is there a bug in the new version?

| Input file: /home/god/.local/share/ov/pkg/YXQ_data/step/step/isaac4.2/clinder2.STEP
| Config bInstancing: true
| Config bGlobalXforms: false
| Config bConvertHidden: false
| COnfig bConvertCurves: false
| Config bOptimize: true
| Config bDedup: true
| Config iTessLOD: 2
| Config bAccurateSurfaceCurvatures: true
| Config bUseNormals: true
| Config bUseMaterials: true
| Config bReportProgress: true
| Config bReportProgressFreq: 4
| Config bUseCurrentStage: false
ERROR: /home/god/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0/extscache/omni.kit.converter.hoops_core-500.0.17+106.1.0.lx64.r.cp310/bin/libOdConstraints.so: undefined symbol: _ZTV22OdAbstractDeserializer

Hello, have you solved this please?It’s been bugging me for days not knowing how I can import a STEP file, if you have any ideas, thank you very much!

Is the solution in the other topic I shared earlier helpful to you?

Hi, the solution you mentioned in another topic really helped me, now I can import the model in STEP format, but I have a strange problem that after adding collision attributes to this object, the object becomes invisible after running the program, but there are still collision attributes present, such as contact force, etc., as can be seen in this topic.
If possible, please help me, thank you very much!

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