We are currently utilizing a custom USB hub board equipped with a USB 2.0 high-speed Hub IC on the Jetson Orin Nano developer kit. The version of Jetpack we are using is 5.1.2.
The devices connected to the Hub are as follows:
Seeed Studio XIAO SAMD21 on Port 1
sparkfun Pro Micro on Port 2
FT4232H on Port 3
Upon initiating communication with the FT4232H, we observe the following output in dmesg. This results in an unstable connection to the FT4232H. In the worst-case scenario, the FT4232H device is no longer identifiable by lsusb.
dmesg.txt (98.5 KB)
At present, the custom USB Hub board and the Jetson Orin Nano are connected using a standard USB 2.0 cable. We are seeking to understand the cause of this issue.