Upgrade Bluefield-2 firmware failed with "bad parameters"

Hi there,

After installation of DOCA-2.8.0 on my bluefield-2, I tried to upgrade its firmware. But I got “bad parameters” error as follows:

Basic device information:

From host:



From DPU:

Other commands gave same errors on DPU.

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@dawndusk0508 I’m seeing the same issue for a CENOT model, migrating from FW 24.30.1004 to 24.42.1000, after pushing the DOCA 2.8.0 All BFB. I’ve checked the changelogs and known issues and while I haven’t found anything relevant yet, perhaps flashing to DOCA 2.6 or 2.7 to upgrade the firmware in a specific order is required?

hi dawndusk

Such issue you can contact networking-support@nvidia.com for further help

Thank you
Meng, Shi

By observing the COM port during an attempted upgrade, I got a more specific error that didn’t show up in the logs otherwise: “-E- The Device doesn’t support MPFS_MC_LOOPBACK_DISABLE_P1 parameter”.

It looks like my suspicion was correct, working through the LTS releases appears to fix the problem.

To move from 24.30.1004 to 24.42.1000, my upgrade path was:
24.30.1004 → 24.35.4030
24.35.4030 → 24.39.3560
24_39_3560 → 24.42.1000
With the mlxup.exe command each time like this:
\mlxup.exe -i .\fw-BlueField-2-rel-24_35_4030-MBF2M516A-CENO_Ax_Bx-NVME-20.4.1-UEFI-21.4.10-UEFI-22.4.10-UEFI-14.29.15-FlexBoot-3.6.902.bin

Firmware for NVIDIA BlueField-2 SmartNICs
mlxup - Mellanox Update and Query Utility

Many thanks, upgrade to middle LTS version solved this problem