I’m building a yocto image to run on the Jetson Nano. Right now I’m working on a Jetson Nano devkit which boots from the SD-card, and the flashing is described on the meta-tegra GitHub repo wiki: Flashing the Jetson Dev Kit · OE4T/meta-tegra Wiki · GitHub. It doesn’t say how to flash onto the eMMC on the Jetson Nano, only on the SDcard.
Do I need to copy the contents of the SDCard image to the nvidia_sdk L4T tools (replacing the ‘rootfs’ folder)? but what about the rest of the folders (bootloader, kernel, lib, nv_tegra)?
The flash command you stated is only for the official image downloaded via the NVIDIA SDK manager, right? I don’t think it’s that easy with a custom image from Yocto. An Issue has been raised on the meta-tegra layer github page (Jetson Nano Production images? · Issue #180 · OE4T/meta-tegra · GitHub) with this exact problem, but it appears it has reached a stand still on the discussion at the moment.