where to download jetson-nano-emmc-image? we have one your demo board.
It is 945-13450-0000-100, and our embedded module is emmc module no sd card module.
Only SD card image provided, for eMMC image, please directly flash your device with sdkmanager.
Our device board and our sdk had modified many codes, so when we had some problems, We need a comparison with the original sdk and demo board .
BTW, you have asked same question at Feb,22, see Where to get emmc image - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson Nano - NVIDIA Developer Forums
If you have two Nano’s, and one is SD card model, but the other is eMMC, then the differences will be in boot, and won’t differ in the software used which is not for boot (you don’t need a “factory image” since flash is a factory image, but the boot content is not in the SD card of an SD card model). If you get the most recent JetPack/SDK Manager 4.x, and start it with “--archivedversions
”, then it will allow you to picking the release you want to recreate (if the release is too old it won’t be listed, and the JP5 release does not work with Nanos). See:
Thank you for reply, and we now test SD card image, we had a problem, we copy jetson-nano-jp461-sd-card-image.zip to SD card, and then boot , but the board didn’t boot up, we used 945-13450-0000-100 board. How to config the demo board?
Did you flash the Jetson itself? The SD card is only the non-boot part. JetPack/SDK Manager flashing the recovery mode Jetson is the other half (using the same release which was for the SD card you are using).
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