Hello, I am trying to use NVIDIA Video Codec SDK API in a third party object detection project I am working on, for encoding and decoding H.264 and HEVC streams with low latency. However, I do not have much idea on how to go about with this as the Samples provided do not appear to give a clear flow of the function calls and hierarchy of the encoding/decoding process. I would like some assistance in this ASAP, if anyone has any idea on how to use the API calls in a simpler manner in other projects, please let me know!
We suggest you go through the programming guide for encoder and decoder present in …\Video_Codec_SDK_8.2.16\doc. Then you can start going through the wrapper implementation in …\Video_Codec_SDK_8.2.16\Samples\NvCodec. And we also have an applciation which can low latency encoding (AppEncLowLatency). Please let us know if anything specific is not clear.
Thank you for your response, I did go through the files you mentioned and it gave me a vague idea on the flow of the decoding / encoding process. I had been able to run the Samples for AppDecode and others and see the results, however when I try to use the Makefile for these Samples in a third party project’s Makefile, the executables are not getting built. The reason I am merging the Makefiles is to be able to use the API calls from NvCodec and other Sample header/cpp files in the third party project.
Please let me know on how I can include the Makefile structure in other project’s Makefile so as to use the API in other programs.