Driver 565.90 / RTX 3050 / 4.2.0
Hello! I’ve imported my Humanoid Robot Finger onto Isaac Sim as a USD. My goal is to be able to control my full Humanoid Robot Hand without integrating ROS2 and using this Action Graph method. I want to create different fluid actions using the Action Graph Extension, and then call upon those specific actions through code. I’ve successfully created 2 different Actions Graphs where the finger bends down and then the second graph straightens it. I’m currently in the stage of using the Script Editor to call upon the action graph to move in a certain sequence. As practice I initially wrote the code to manipulate the first Graph, but I keep getting errors saying that there is No Attribute. Here is an example of one of the simple code I entered:
"import omni.graph.core as og
graph_path = “/World/BendDownwards”
graph = og.Graph(graph_path)
TypeError: omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.Graph: No constructor defined!
- c:/users/vicki/appdata/local/temp/xgrc.0/ *
2024-11-04 00:16:46 [108,763ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: TypeError: omni.graph.core._omni_graph_core.Graph: No constructor defined!
- c:/users/vicki/appdata/local/temp/xgrc.0/ *
graph = og.Controller.get_graph(graph_path)" there is an Attribute error and that the object ‘Controller’ has no attribute ‘get_graph’.
I’ve studied all of the documentation and still seem to be missing something. I’ve tried complex, and simple code, and there’s either an error with the “No constructor defined” or “No Attribute”. Does anyone know if I can follow some sort of template or tutorial, is there a basic code setup to call upon this action or what’s the best option is for me to do to achieve this? I’d appreciate any help!
Bellow is what my Action Graph currently looks like (I’m simply controlling 2 joints just as a test)