VLC wont play a RTSP stream on nano

I cant seem to get the VLC player on the jetson nano or Xavier NX to play a RTSP stream

Gstreamer will play it and mplayer does also on the nano/Xavier NX.

I have installed VLC any way I could find on the web to see if that was the issue.
I have even compiled the binary’s with Live 555.
All the log says is that there is nothing there to stream when it dosent work…

VLC plays the RTSP stream just fine on my X86 ubuntu 18 machine.

Now the reason I’m so determined to use VLC is because the VLC stream conversion from RTSP to HTTP is the fastest.

Joe Valdivia

Could be helpful?

Please also refer to Jetson Nano FAQ
Q: Is there any example of running RTSP streaming?