VSRDemo, demo program fails with NVSDK_NGX_Result_FAIL_UnsupportedParameter


I’m trying to get the VSRDemo from the VSR SDK up and running. The command line parameters were as follows:

-i “NV12_1280_720_1280_5160.nv12” -fps 30 -size 1920 1080

As you can see, the input size is 1280x720. It’s NV12. It has 5160 frames. The demo fails in CDx11NGXVSR::CreateFeature, at:

NVSDK_NGX_Result ResultVSR = m_ngxParameters->Get(NVSDK_NGX_Parameter_VSR_Available, &VSRAvailable);

, returning the result NVSDK_NGX_Result_FAIL_UnsupportedParameter.

What rookie mistake have I made here? Note I have an RTX 4080 with the current latest studio drivers (566.36).

I managed to get a good result from this in the end. I did the following:

(1) Made sure my commandline command was actually correct (it wasn’t quite)
(2) Made sure nvngx_vsr.dll and nvngx_truehdr.dll were in the same directory as the .exe
(3) Ran it from command prompt, not from inside Visual Studio

On (3), I’m going to try it again to see if I can get it all up and running but otherwise it does work.