I’m trying to get the VSRDemo from the VSR SDK up and running. The command line parameters were as follows:
-i “NV12_1280_720_1280_5160.nv12” -fps 30 -size 1920 1080
As you can see, the input size is 1280x720. It’s NV12. It has 5160 frames. The demo fails in CDx11NGXVSR::CreateFeature, at:
NVSDK_NGX_Result ResultVSR = m_ngxParameters->Get(NVSDK_NGX_Parameter_VSR_Available, &VSRAvailable);
, returning the result NVSDK_NGX_Result_FAIL_UnsupportedParameter.
What rookie mistake have I made here? Note I have an RTX 4080 with the current latest studio drivers (566.36).