Web Streaming RTSP and convert to M3u8

Hello everyone,
So i was using this to Web streaming rtsp my cctv before :

And it can only handle 7 cctv device, since we dont use any gpu or jetson.

If i want to streaming my rtsp to web up to 60 - 100 device, what kind of device should i built with ? and is there any other method that i can use,


Do you mean you set up RTSP sever on Jetson Nano and can have 7 clients connected at maximum? Not quite understand the use-case and please share more information.

No, on previous RTSP server, we dont use Jetson or gpu, only CPU with those video method, and we only got around 7 client at maximum,

The question is, if we want to have around 60 client to stream web rtsp what kind gpu or Jetson nano should we use ? and what method should we implemented to stream 60 client ?

We don’t try the use-case which has so many clients. The encoding can be switched to hardware, but for handling connection of so many clients, CPU capability and memory bandwidth are also important. Would suggest try AGX Xavier or AGX Orin. In general, we launch RTSP server through test-launch in gstreamer. Please refer to the steps in AGX Orin FAQ.

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Alright, thanks for the information :)

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