What Azure Edge Deepstream solutions are supported/ maintained
Could they be used with l4t-deepstream? With non dockerized deepstream on Jetson? With both? With neither of the two?
Is the only supported by nvidia oficially method for Jetson Azure - the one defined in these readme files? Is it also the one supported by Microsoft or they support other methods but not this particular? Or it might happen that nvidia supports one method while Microsoft supports different method so nothing works as usual given descrepancies in versions?
3864f670238f nvcr.io/nvidia/deepstream-l4t:5.0-20.07-iot "/usr/bin/deepstream…" 4 hours ago Exited (255) 10 seconds
tried to run it somehow manually
root@agx:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0# /usr/bin/deepstream-test5-app -c /data/misc/storage/Intelligent-Video-Analytics-with-NVIDIA-Jetson-and-Microsoft-Azure/services/DEEPSTREAM/configs/DSConfig-CustomVisionAI.txt
*** DeepStream: Launched RTSP Streaming at rtsp://localhost:8554/ds-test ***
(deepstream-test5-app:20): GLib-CRITICAL **: 18:54:21.244: g_strrstr: assertion 'haystack != NULL' failed
Error: Time:Wed Mar 31 18:54:21 2021 File:/home/nvidia/azure/azure-iot-sdk-c/iothub_client/src/iothub_client_core_ll.c Func:retrieve_edge_environment_variabes Line:177 Environment IOTEDGE_AUTHSCHEME not set
Error: Time:Wed Mar 31 18:54:21 2021 File:/home/nvidia/azure/azure-iot-sdk-c/iothub_client/src/iothub_client_core_ll.c Func:IoTHubClientCore_LL_CreateFromEnvironment Line:1186 retrieve_edge_environment_variabes failed
Error: Time:Wed Mar 31 18:54:21 2021 File:/home/nvidia/azure/azure-iot-sdk-c/iothub_client/src/iothub_client_core.c Func:create_iothub_instance Line:924 Failure creating iothub handle
ERROR: iotHubModuleClientHandle is NULL! connect failed
** ERROR: <main:1451>: Failed to set pipeline to PAUSED
ERROR from sink_sub_bin_sink2: Could not configure supporting library.
Debug info: /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/deepstream/sdk/src/gst-plugins/gst-nvmsgbroker/gstnvmsgbroker.c(388): legacy_gst_nvmsgbroker_start (): /GstPipeline:pipeline/GstBin:sink_sub_bin2/GstNvMsgBroker:sink_sub_bin_sink2:
unable to connect to broker library
ERROR from sink_sub_bin_sink2: GStreamer error: state change failed and some element failed to post a proper error message with the reason for the failure.
Debug info: gstbasesink.c(5265): gst_base_sink_change_state (): /GstPipeline:pipeline/GstBin:sink_sub_bin2/GstNvMsgBroker:sink_sub_bin_sink2:
Failed to start
App run failed
but I do not have even the folder /home/nvidia/azure that is reffered inthe error