What is the difference between Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit and Jetson AGX Xavier module

I find that the cost of Module is more than that of developer kit. What’s the difference ?

Hi narashiman105,

Jetson developer kits include a non-production specification Jetson module attached to a reference carrier board. Together with JetPack SDK, it is used to develop and test software for your use case. Jetson developer kits are not intended for production use.

Jetson modules are suitable for deployment in a production environment throughout their operating lifetime.

Hi, thank you for sharing that information.
As you pointed out, I keep finding that the AGX Developer Kit has a “non-production specification Jetson module”.
Does anyone know what exactly is the difference vs the “production” module?
I understand ones are “rated” for a longer lifetime. Again, I would like to ask what is the actual difference?
Thank you!

the same question.
what is the actual difference about the non-production specification jetson module?
for example xavier module and the module of develop kit.

I can’t tell the details of the difference, but the parts on production were designed for longer operation lifetime under the industry standard tests. Thanks