Wrong variant calling

I have been comparing Parabricks DeepVariant (v4.4.0-1) with the standard DeepVariant (v1.6.1-gpu) and noticed some discrepancies in variant classification. Specifically, I observed that Parabricks DeepVariant tags some variants as RefCall when they seemingly should not be.

For example, consider the following variant at position chr7:72628972:

Output from Parabricks DeepVariant:

chr7    72628972        .       A       G       0.6     RefCall .       GT:GQ:DP:AD:VAF:PL      ./.:9:387:201,186:0.48062:0,8,17

Output from DeepVariant 1.6.1-gpu:

chr7    72628972        .       A       G       36.2    PASS    .       GT:GQ:DP:AD:VAF:PL      0/1:32:387:201,186:0.48062:36,0,33

Additionally, I checked this variant using Parabricks GATK, which produced the following record:

chr7    72628972        .       A       G       3775.64 .       AC=1;AF=0.500;AN=2;BaseQRankSum=-2.856;DP=381;ExcessHet=0.0000;FS=20.149;MLEAC=1;MLEAF=0.500;MQ=52.77;MQRankSum=-14.382;QD=9.99;ReadPosRankSum=1.416;SOR=1.209  GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL:SB    0/1:199,179:378:99:3783,0,4733:95,104,110,69

As shown, this variant has excellent coverage and quality metrics. I am puzzled as to why Parabricks DeepVariant categorizes this as RefCall, as we typically filter out such variants during our pipeline.

If it would be helpful, I am happy to share the FASTQ files for further analysis. Please let me know if any additional details are needed.

Looking forward to your insights.

Hi Amin,

Thanks for sharing this with us. It would be so helpful if you can share the fastq files, and the command that you used.


Thanks a lot, to share the FASTQ files, could you please send me an email address?

For the code, I use the same code as in the documentation page:



Sure thing!

Please share it with this one: tongz@nvidia.com

And I just want to double check that you used the command in our documentation page for both Parabricks and Google deepvariant, Is that right?

Also which GPU are you using?

Just sent you an email, with all the details.

Thanks a lot.

Hi @amin_davani

Based on the email I believe all of the mismatches have been solved by passing the correct arguments. Please let us know if you have more questions.
