x86 32-bit Support for Cuda to build 32bit OpenCV

I am working on a vision system and using Opencv for image processing and I have to present the whole system as a 32 bit ActiveX control to be integrated in an IWS (Indosoft Web Studio) application as IWS is 32 bit.

How can I do that as I would need a 32 bit Opencv build with cuda support and there is no 32 bit Cuda toolkit any more. Can anyone please clarify the following from Nvidia.

[u][i]Native development using the CUDA Toolkit on x86_32 is unsupported. Deployment and execution of CUDA applications on x86_32 is still supported, but is limited to use with GeForce GPUs. To create 32-bit CUDA applications, use the cross-development capabilities of the CUDA Toolkit on x86_64.

Support for developing and running x86 32-bit applications on x86_64 Windows is limited to use with:
GeForce GPUs
CUDA Driver
CUDA Runtime (cudart)
CUDA Math Library (math.h)
CUDA C++ Compiler (nvcc)
CUDA Development Tools[/i]
I can see the point but I can’t find any direction on how to use the cross-development capabilities of the CUDA Toolkit on x86_64.


I found https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cuda/cuda_installation.htm and its says “set -m32 to your nvcc options”. I don’t know where could I set that option. may be in nvcc.profile but i don’t know how.