xavier fan question

sensors show the system is not hot.

nvidia@jetson-0423318029348:~$ sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: +33.0°C

Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: +34.0°C (crit = +95.5°C)

Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: +33.6°C

Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: +34.5°C (crit = +98.0°C)

But the fan is running pretty noisy. Is this normal?
The system is pretty much idle, not running anything.

nvidia@jetson-0423318029348:~$ sudo ./jetson_clocks.sh --show
SOC family:tegra194 Machine:jetson-xavier
Online CPUs: 0-3
CPU Cluster Switching: Disabled
cpu0: Gonvernor=schedutil MinFreq=1190400 MaxFreq=1190400 CurrentFreq=1190400
cpu1: Gonvernor=schedutil MinFreq=1190400 MaxFreq=1190400 CurrentFreq=1190400
cpu2: Gonvernor=schedutil MinFreq=1190400 MaxFreq=1190400 CurrentFreq=1190400
cpu3: Gonvernor=schedutil MinFreq=1190400 MaxFreq=1190400 CurrentFreq=1190400
cpu4: Gonvernor=schedutil MinFreq=115200 MaxFreq=2265600 CurrentFreq=1036800
cpu5: Gonvernor=schedutil MinFreq=115200 MaxFreq=2265600 CurrentFreq=1036800
cpu6: Gonvernor=schedutil MinFreq=115200 MaxFreq=2265600 CurrentFreq=345600
cpu7: Gonvernor=schedutil MinFreq=115200 MaxFreq=2265600 CurrentFreq=345600
GPU MinFreq=675750000 MaxFreq=675750000 CurrentFreq=675750000
EMC MinFreq=204000000 MaxFreq=1331200000 CurrentFreq=1331200000 FreqOverride=1
Fan: speed=255

The jetson_clocks.sh script turns on the fan unconditionally.
If you just want the ability to run at the fastest clocks, but not have the fan run unless the thermals need it, try “nvpmodel -m 0”

My xavier will always turn on the fan even if I don’t run jetson_clocks.sh. I can manually turn it off but I don’t know how to make it automatic on/off. Could you provide some ideas?

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What power mode does ‘sudo nvpmodel -q’ report that you are running in?

Is the fan always running since boot, or only after a period of time?

Hi dusty_nv,

My fan is always on since boot. I ran ‘sudo nvqmodel -q’,and I got:

NV Power Mode: MODE_15W

Hmm. What does this command show for you?

$ sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tegra_fan/temp_control

If you manually turn the fan off in MODE_15W @ idle, do the temperature sensors significantly heat up?
Also, have you rebooted since running jetson_clocks.sh? Might also try resetting fan PWM to zero and then rebooting.

I manually set the fan pwm to 0, and the fan stopped running. Then I rebooted my Xavier, the fan turned on automatically.
Next I checked my temperature sensors, I think they were not hot.

nvidia@jetson:~$ sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1:        +27.5°C  

Adapter: Virtual device
temp1:        +27.5°C  (crit = +95.5°C)

Adapter: Virtual device
temp1:        +27.1°C  

Adapter: Virtual device
temp1:        +26.5°C  (crit = +98.0°C)

After 'sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tegra_fan/temp_control’I got 1

Finally I ran ‘sudo nvpmodel -q’ again, I got
NV Power Mode: MODE_15W

I did not run jetson_clocks.sh after reboot.

Do you know what’s wrong with the fan?

Unless you have manually forced the fan on, it won’t run unless hot enough to require the fan. Running “jetson_clocks.sh” is one way to force the fan on at all times. FYI, “jetson_clocks.sh” is a human readable script, so you can look at how it works with the fan.

with running

sudo ./jetson_clocks.sh

it sets fan speed to 255, and it is quiet for now - before it was running all time and fan speed was 0

After I updated Xavier with Jetpack 4.1, the fan is good. No more previous problems.

Same problem. After running jetson_clock.sh once, fan starts automatically after reboot now, though nvpmodel is set to 2 and jetson_clock.sh is not run after reboot.
I can set fan speed to 0 and it stops, but after reboot it’s set to 255 again.
JetPack 4.1.1 Developer Preview.

how to get the tempreature of CUPs,I try to entered “sensors” in teriminal but get “command not found”

Try “sudo apt-get install lm-sensors”. Then the “sensors” program will become available.