The script turns on the fan unconditionally.
If you just want the ability to run at the fastest clocks, but not have the fan run unless the thermals need it, try “nvpmodel -m 0”
My xavier will always turn on the fan even if I don’t run I can manually turn it off but I don’t know how to make it automatic on/off. Could you provide some ideas?
If you manually turn the fan off in MODE_15W @ idle, do the temperature sensors significantly heat up?
Also, have you rebooted since running Might also try resetting fan PWM to zero and then rebooting.
I manually set the fan pwm to 0, and the fan stopped running. Then I rebooted my Xavier, the fan turned on automatically.
Next I checked my temperature sensors, I think they were not hot.
Unless you have manually forced the fan on, it won’t run unless hot enough to require the fan. Running “” is one way to force the fan on at all times. FYI, “” is a human readable script, so you can look at how it works with the fan.
Same problem. After running once, fan starts automatically after reboot now, though nvpmodel is set to 2 and is not run after reboot.
I can set fan speed to 0 and it stops, but after reboot it’s set to 255 again.
JetPack 4.1.1 Developer Preview.