Xavier NX 接收不到460800的波特率



  1. 在Xavier NX中,无法接收波特率为460800的RS232转TTL信号,其他波特率是可以的。(115200,921600等)。
    2.但是如果我直接把两个UART给直接连接起来(ttyTHS0 0x3100000,ttyTHS1 0x3110000),460800是可以接收的。
    3.同样的外设在orin NX 上是没有这个问题。

Hi 495549035,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for Xavier NX?

Please share the steps how do you verify baudrate of 460800.

Are you also using JP5.1.3(R35.5.0) on Orin NX w/o hitting the issue?

1.We are using a custom board
2. First, we connected an RS232 to TTL converter to ttyTHS0 (0x3100000). In CuteCom, we found that all baud rates except 460800 have data (although incorrect), but there is no data at all at the baud rate of 460800.
Then we connected ttyTHS0 (0x3100000) and ttyTHS1 (0x3110000) together, and in CuteCom, all baud rates were able to successfully transmit and receive data.
3.we are using JP5.1.3(R35.5.0) on Orin NX,(same carrier board, but different core modules)all baud rates were able to successfully transmit and receive data.

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore.
Hence, we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.

Which UART interface are you using on Orin NX?

Could you share both dmesg for further check?
The one not working on Xavier NX and the one working on Orin NX. (both with JP5.1.3)

It is still not the expected result since the data is wrong.
Have you also tried to get an oscilloscope to check if their level is correct?