Hi. Would like to ask but is the Jetson built to withstand the capacity of YoloV8?
I’ve been running a YoloV8 detection on my Jetson Nano but upon checking the tegrastats, there is a continuous rise in core temperature.
Beyond 10 minutes or so, the core temperature hits 70C where the jetson is prompted to warn about a hot surface.
I have also built my code in such a way that it does not detect every frame from a video to preserve the processing performance. I only implemented a camera that captures an image and does not livestream a feed so that the YoloV8 does not process all of the possible frames.
Curious, but I have questions regarding this one.
- Is the Jetson Nano able to withstand the capacity of the YoloV8?
- I’m building an autonomous machine that is supposed to be deployed outdoors. Not fixing the issue of the core temperature could put me in a bad place. I’m curious as to what happens to the Jetson Nano once it hits the maximum temperature that it can handle. Does the Jetson Nano have a backup shutdown just in case?
Thanks for responding