1.28 round spi gc9a01drive jetson nano

I really need help I got a round spi screen perfect for my project and in the description it can go on the jetson nano but i tried to run a example using the waveshare set up but not answers from the screen i contact them they gave me a folder to run with a c and python code but no answer. after a will trying and talking with the tech at waveshare he gave me a github page to follow but still no answer from the lcd except the backround light. the waveshare guy say he run it but the quality is not good but its possible to have a good image. I just begin with programmation and linux ubuntu so I really need help i did all the research I could but i cannot connect all the different folder to make it work. i know circuitpython and microphyton can program spi but i don’t know if i can just modify the python program the waveshare guy give me.

spi screen :

circuit python:

jetson hack spi set up:

gc9a01Driver github librairy

gc9a01Driver github librairy is based on this librairy

GitHub site the waveshare guy give me:

i have the jetson_oled folder but i don’t know how to send it i can’t send more then 5 files in here( i put the zip version )

Jetson_oled.zip (6.3 MB)

LCD_Driver.c (6.1 KB)

the purpose of this screen would be to have a constant live between a camera and the screen with the best resolution possible i would like to use ai to upgrade the image quality in the future using tensorflow or one of the option sdk manager downloaded

one of the most important step is to set up the spi creen with the jetson gpio i already unable the spi using jetson-io. Waveshare guy(rain) give me this VCC: Positive power supply (3.3v)
GND: Negative pole of power supply (GND)
DIN: SPI data signal line
SCK: SPI clock signal line
CS: SPI chip select signal, active low
DC: data/command selection signal, low level is command, high level is data
RST: reset signal, active low
BLK: backlight control signal, PWM signal controls backlight brightness
he told me:
MISO is a read pin, we don’t use this pin for the screen, so don’t worry about it.
DC is mainly used to determine whether to send commands or data

but i don’t know here to connect them in the gpio i tried to follow the waveshare link but no answer from the screen

i know its really easy to set up the screen with esp32 or arduino is it a possibility to run the screen with esp32 and connect esp32 to the jetson nano so maybe the jetson nano could use more of its power to upgrade the picture it receive from the camera and let the esp32 deal with the screen and maybe get better resolution for the screen too??

This would need other users to share experience. For testing whether the deviec tree of enabling SPI is good, you can try this test:
How to set gpio for spi? - #27 by DaneLLL

Hi thank you for your quick answer i read and i did not understand how can i connect the device to my jetson nano and download the driver it said that one of the step is to change my devise tree when connecting the device but when i activate the spi in jetson-io and reboot does it doe it automatically.
and for the test do i just have to connect the mosi ,3v and the ground cause SamM11 said ;
how to connect the MOSI and MISO? should I set pinmux or gpio? and how to run the loopback test to confirm the configure? have any tool can help me to test?
and the answer was:
Short them from external by wire jump.
should he connect mosi to ground with a wire what external mean ??

  1. Connect MOSI of SPI1 to MISO
  2. Execute $ sudo modprobe spidev
  3. Download/build this test file:
  4. Run the command and check if the result is expected:

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