3.3V Max Output Current on the J21 GPIO connector/header?


I am using the 3.3V output pin 1 (or 17) on the connector/header ref des J21 and I’m wondering what the Max current available.


Hi, what’s your request on current of it? Basically it can be 2A each pin.

J21 on the TX2 is a 40 pin connector. Pins 1 and 17 are 3.3V. I want to know the Maximum amount of current I can draw from the pair pins:
Pin 1 and Pin GND Max current = ?
Pin 17 and Pin GND Max current = ?

Also, same question for the 5V pins 2 and 4.
Pin 2 and Pin GND Max current = ?
Pin 4 and Pin GND Max current = ?

Thank you,

The max current is limited by pin capability, 2A.