Ever since I updated to 334.21, I’ve been experiencing a host of graphical glitches and input issues in many applications. These include: flickering/dissapearing UI elements, graphical corruption, janky scrolling, and huge mouse/keyboard input delay. It’s particularly bad in Google Chrome and (for some reason) nvidia-settings, but it occurs to some extent in every application I’ve run.
The output of nvidia-bug-report.sh is here: [url]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41188475/nvidia-bug-report.log.gz[/url]. Some other information:
OS: Arch Linux x86_64
Kernel: 3.13.5
DE: Gnome 3.10
EDIT: Nevermind, this has already been reported here: [334.16] Parts of the UI randomly flicker when moving the mouse - Linux - NVIDIA Developer Forums