8k+4k+4k the limit for my 3050? (Answer: Yes)

Hi there,

I run a 8k TV + 2 4K displays with my nvidia 3050 and when i try to add another 4k display i get errors from nvidia-settings about “Failed to set Metamodes”.
Using other tools such as arandr also does not suceed.

Am i hitting the limit of the 3050 or is it something else?

Thank you!

The 3050 has 4 heads so is able to drive 4 displays. -but- An 8k monitor at higher refresh rates uses 2 heads so reduces the number of displays. Please check “MaxOneHardwareHead” https://http.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/555.42.02/README/xconfigoptions.html

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Thank you!

“MaxOneHardwareHead”: The display hardware of the GPU has a pipeline that produces the images that are sent to each display device. One unit within this pipeline is the “head”, which generates the mode timings for the display device. Some extremely high pixel clock mode timings, such as 8K @ 60Hz, exceed the capabilities of a single head.