A question about JetPack 4.5.1 and L4T 32.5.2

I flashed JetPack 4.5.1 on my Jetson and I thought the L4T version should be 32.5.1 but it turned out to be 32.5.2.
My question is how can I change my L4T version to 32.5.1? And why my L4T version is 32.5.2 instead of 32.5.1.
Thank you guys.

Hi user140654,

Please download Driver Package and Sample Root Filesystem from here and flash image by manually.

Thank you for your help. But as a beginner I don’t know how to flash image manually. Can you tell me in detail?Thank you.

Hi user140654,

Flash image by manually steps:

  1. Download Driver Package and Sample Root Filesystem from here

  2. Enter the following commands to untar the files and assemble the rootfs:

  sudo tar xpf ${L4T_RELEASE_PACKAGE}
  cd Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/
  sudo tar xpf ../../${SAMPLE_FS_PACKAGE}
  cd ..
  sudo ./apply_binaries.sh
  1. Flash the BSP software onto the Jetson developer kit.

Please reference Quick Start Guide for more detail.

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If you are a beginner, why not just directly use latest jetpack4.6.1 with l4t 32.7.1?

I will try it later

I failed to flash 4.6 and succeeded in flashing 4.5.1 one month ago. So I have been using 4.5.1 for about one month. But recently some error occurs that my Realsense D455 isn’t working well with my Xavier NX, and I asked Intel’s engineer and he said L4T 32.5.1 and 32.6.1 is officially supported by RealSense, so he recommended me to try 32.5.1. But my version is 32.5.2, that’s why I ask this question.

Hi user140654,

We tried Realsense D435 with r32.7.1 on Xavier-NX, it’s working.
You can use SDK Manager to install the latest JetPack-4.6.1 (r32.7.1) to try again.

Thank you carolyuu.
I flashed my Jetson, everything is smooth.

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