we are facing a problem when booting our Jetson AGX Orin that we’re using for some time now.
We tried a reinstallation but we also got an other problem :
We disabled autosuspend on host PC as recommanded in the FAQ, without sucess.
Would you have any advice to resolve this issue ?
If the device cannot be flashed/booted, please refer to the page to get uart log from the device:
Jetson/General debug - eLinux.org
And get logs of host PC and Jetson device for reference. If you are using custom board, you can compare uart log of developer kit and custom board to get more information.
Also please check FAQs:
Jetson AGX Orin FAQ
If possible, we would suggest follow quick start in developer guide to re-flash the system:
Quick Start — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation
And see if the issue still persists on a clean-flashed system.
Thank you for your fast answer. We are using the Jetson AGX Orin Devkit as carrier board.
We will look for uart log and get back to you.
Please make sure the type c flashing cable support data transfer.
Also some questions to confirm
- Is your host a native or a virtual machine?
Hello David,
the host is native (it’s not a VM). My colleague confirmed that the first screenshot I posted is actually the UART output.
We have a second Jetson Orin devkit. Is there any interest to try to flash the non working module on the second carrier board ?
If the problem comes from the carrier board, that should work.
unfortunatly we weren’t able to flash the module with our second carrier board. Looks like the problem comes from the module.
Would you have any other suggestion ?
Please use other type c flashing cable to cross check whether the issue exist.
Also use lsusb
and follow the Quick Start — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation to check whether the device in recovery mode.