I have been trying to flash the jetson Xavier board from a host ubuntu 18.04 both using sdk manager and manual flash by doing sudo ./flash.sh. Neither of them work and stop at around 10 % of flashing with a return 8 error as attached. I have tried with latest 5.0.2 jetpack as well as downgraded to jetpack 4.6 and both of them show the same error when flashing.
Further, when flashing using sdk_manager, just before the error, I get the message NVIDIA APX was added and removed everytime.
may I know what’s your environment setups? are you using a virtual machine?
since there’ll be USB connect/disconnect several times for target communication, could you please try another USB port for confirmation.
No I am not using a virtual machine. I am using a system with ubuntu 18.04 . I tried with another USB port for flashing too. It shows the same error as above.
Can you please elaborate on what information you want on environment setups?
Host: Ubuntu 18.04
Jetpack : 5.0.2 ( Tried with 4.6.1 same error)
python : 2.7.17
may I know what’s the power supply you’ve connected to Jetson platform?
could you please have a try to use command-line for target flashing,
for example, $ sudo BOARDID=2888 FAB=400 BOARDSKU=0004 BOARDREV=K.0 ./flash.sh jetson-agx-xavier-devkit mmcblk0p1
probably, I do not have the original power source provided by nvidia. But, I checked other forums for power usage and it was written 20-30W of power should be fine for AGX board. The one that I have (image attached) is an AC-DC adapter with the folllowing specs:
I performed a clean installation of ubuntu 20.04 on my laptop and started flashing the Agx xavier board. As, you mentioned, I changed to a Dc power supply with 12 V that also is able to power the jetson tx2.
But, still I get the above " bct.encrypt" error. I have also attached the full log for flashing. Apart from the final error where the flashing fails, there are small errors along the way like.
please narrow down the issue, when you perform image flashing through SDKManager, please have a try to deselect Jetson SDK components, this will only download OS image and flash the target directly.
is it a battery?
as you can see, there’ll be USB connect/disconnect several times for target communication,
please consider change a power-supply
info: Event: Device APX was unplugged from usb port.
info: Event: Device APX was plugged to usb port.