Attribute error from aerial omniverse digital twin (AODT)

Dear all:

When I open an OpenUSD file, generated from sketchup, in ADOT,
I got an error message like:

2024-07-17 14:31:52 [Error] [aerial_sim.configuration.utils] Couldn’t get ‘points’ attribute from
2024-07-17 14:31:52 [Error] [aerial_sim.configuration.worker_manager] [4dee81b8-3f2d-0193-c95c-cc85516193f0] Couldn’t get ‘points’ attribute from
2024-07-17 14:31:52 [Error] [aerial_sim.configuration.utils] Worker failed to open
2024-07-17 14:31:52 [Error] [aerial_sim.configuration.utils]
2024-07-17 14:31:52 [Error] [aerial_sim.configuration.utils] omniverse://public_ip/Users/aerial/plateau/ED8F_v2.usd

Any ideas or comments are welcome!
I am not sure this question is suitable to post here or not.
If I need to move this topic to other panel, please also let me know.
Thank you.

Best regards,

Do you want to supply the complete usd file to me, so I can test ?. A video of your workflow would be helpful. Have you tried opening the usd file in USD Composer first ? I am assuming you are Enterprise level. You should really be reaching out to your Enterprise contact first.

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@junxian Please post AODT related questions here:
We dont support the workflow that you are using. Can you please share the USD file so that we can take a better look?

Hello, @kpasad1,

I visited the AODT forum, but I encountered the error message “Page Not Found.” Does the AODT forum have restrictions on visiting users?

By the way, I have redone the workflow according to the AODT documentation and attempted to generate the USD file from a GML file using the AODT scene importer (Scene Importer - NVIDIA Docs). The issue with the missing attributes has been resolved. However, the scale of the USD file does not match in the AODT frontend.

I have attached the newly generated USD file. Could you please review it and let us know which step we might be missing?

Thank you for your assistance. (49.5 KB)

Can you please repost this over in the other thread as indicated

I got it and thank you.

Just reply my question here. To access the discussions on the accelerated-computing forum, you need to apply for the NVIDIA 6G Developer Program first.

I cannot support it here. This is for Omniverse. This is not the right place.