Bluetooth crashes when connecting to microprocessor

Hi, I’m working on a project to where I need to connect the jetson to a microprocessor via BLE. I can use bluetoothctl to connect the device ie Bluetooth# connect <mac_address> however, whenever I try to pair it, the jetson freezes and will turn off after a few minutes. For example bluetooth#pair <mac_address> will freeze the board, and stop working while connect will connect the device. I’ve tried re-installing bluez and making sure I have all of the appropriate libraries but I’m a little lost as to why this keeps happening.

Please apply this and try again:

Enabling Bluetooth Audio — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation

I’ve tried the steps, but it did not fix the issue that I am having.

I’ve included some of the issues that were recorded when I used journalctl -f and sudo btmon

Please check this to enable the configs for a try:
Connecting to bluetooth speaker, Rapidly Connects and Disconnects - #5 by DaneLLL