There are two Jetson TX2. Both can not boot without a monitor.
The Jetson TX2 Developer Kit has installed the HDMI display Emulator for a remote reboot. Loaded with ssd. This is one that can be tolerated in the development.
The second Jetson TX2 connected to the Spacely Carrier for NVIDIA® Jetson ™ TX2 / TX2i / TX1, booted from the internal eMMC.
Installing the HDMI display Emulator on it is not needed, it will interfere.
Reading the forum did not help solve this problem. I ask for advice on how this can be fixed
what Jetpack version are you using?
tx2 should boot without any display conencted, in my opinion
Jetpack 3.3
core 4.4.38-tegra
I think so too.
How do you know it didn’t boot? Serial console? Ethernet login?
Keep in mind some software only runs at GUI login, e.g., NetworkManager tends to make WiFi changes upon GUI login (missing a side effect of GUI login is different than failure to boot).
The network interface is not turned on. If the monitor is connected, a black screen
not turned on in what way? cable disconnected? led does not radiate? no mac /arp entries at network router? not pingeable? what about the other network interface [ wifi versus LAN] ?
what if you turn on the network interface ? Will it be reacheable over the network?
the cable is connected to the router. The LED is not lit on the jackson and the router. mac / arp no queries.
If running with a connected monitor or monitor emulator, the device is present on the network, the network interface works as expected.
Possibly it isn’t working, but quite often what you describe is just a failure of some subset of software. The only good way to know what is going on is with serial console (which works even before Linux loads, and does not require much of Linux to function to see what goes on after Linux boots). Video in particular is a very bad indicator of what is going on. Can you get access to the serial console? See:
Note that even if the system does fail, that you will still need to know where during boot failure hits. Serial console will show this. Many serial terminal programs also provide logging which is useful.
In some cases you can use the “ctrl-alt-F2” key combination and get a text console…you might try that, but your only real guarantee to know of what goes on is with the serial console.
Thank you, he too has come to such a decision. I’ll get a console cable and I’ll try