Can csi serial_c as dphy 2lane, serial_d as cphy 2lane work same time?

hi nvidia:

dts serial_c dphy 2 lane, connect bayer sensor, argus api

mclk_khz = “24000”;
num_lanes = “2”;
tegra_sinterface = “serial_c”;
vc_id = “0”;
phy_mode = “DPHY”;
dynamic_pixel_bit_depth = “10”;
csi_pixel_bit_depth = “10”;
mode_type = “bayer”;
pixel_phase = “grbg”;
pix_clk_hz = “229500000”;
serdes_pix_clk_hz = “299000000”;

dts serial_d cphy 2 lane, connect yuv sensor, v4l2 api directly

mclk_khz = “24000”;
num_lanes = “2”;
tegra_sinterface = “serial_d”;
vc_id = “2”;
phy_mode = “CPHY”;
dynamic_pixel_bit_depth = “16”;
csi_pixel_bit_depth = “16”;
mode_type = “yuv”;
pixel_phase = “yuyv”;
pix_clk_hz = “62208000”;
serdes_pix_clk_hz = “571428571”;

Don’t support the same brick configure to different PHY mode.


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