Cannot delete the folders from Nucleus


I was trying to delete the folders and files from Nucleus website.
Somehow I met the message bellow and the folder can not be deleted.

Is there any other way to delete the folders?
I am using omniverse enterprise version, so Nucleus is installed in an individual PC.
Thank you very much.

Frank Liu

Hello @frank_liu! I’ll get someone from the dev team to help you with this!

The account you are logged in with - is it an Admin account?

Not proposing that you have to be an administrator to delete items - but it looks like there’s been a snag with the permissions on the thumbnails. If you have an admin account you should be able to override those permissions and just delete.

Hi @WendyGram and @mkarlsson,

Thank you for the reply.
The account name “omniverse” I use to delete the folders and files is an Admin account, which is the default Master superuser of Nucleus server.

By the way, I login with the account who created the folder, still cannot delete the folder.
The error message shows “FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY”, but I didn’t see anything in this folder.

got it - discussing with team

can you show me the permissions on that Linked folder please?
also, try to edit the path you are viewing by manually entering /Linked/.thumbs after Assets - what permissions do you see on items there?

Hi @mkarlsson ,

The screen shot shows as bellow.

After editing the path to enter /Linked/.thumbs after the path of Assets shows the error message at the bottom right.

By the way, I login as both “omniverse”(account as super user) and “user2”(account who created the folder). The error message show “Path does not exist.” after editing the path of Assets. .

Hi @frank_liu

If you are following the default docker-compose setting, please check the “content.1.1” folder under “/var/lib/omni/nucleus-data/data/”.

If the folder is empty then there should be no file uploaded.

In addition, which OS you are hosting the nucleus server?

@frank_liu what exact version of Nucleus are you running please?

Hi @frankt ,

The folder content.1.1 is not empty and with several files in the path.

I installed Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS as the OS of nucleus server.


Hi @mkarlsson ,

I used the version 2022.1.0 of nucleus server, the file name is “nucleus-stack-2022.1.0+tag-2022.1.0.gitlab.3983146.613004ac.tar.gz”.
By the way, I didn’t install the cache for which file name is “nucleus-cache-2022.1.0+tag-2022.1.0.gitlab.3983147.c11aebcf.tar.gz”.

Hi @frank_liu

Have you ever upload files from navigator? or web client? looks like there are already files uploaded to nucleus server

Hi @frank_liu

Please use “NVIDIA Omniverse Nucleus Tools”, to check the folder from terminal.

  1. Download Nucleus-Tools by command
$ docker pull
  1. Execute command
$ sudo docker run <nucleus-tools-image-id> ls -r -pa -p <admin password> -u <admin username> <serverhost/IP> <Pathname> (for example /Projects/OVE-Demo/Models/)
  1. If you indeed find files which invisible from navigator UI under the folder, and you would like to delete it, please execute command
sudo docker run <nucleus-tools-image-id> rm --do-it -p <admin password> -u <admin username> <serverhost/IP> <Pathname> (for example /Projects/OVE-Demo/Models/test.png)
  1. Delete the folder from navigator again.

If you are encountering trouble with above steps, we can set a session via Microsoft Teams.

Hi @frankt ,

I was stuck at the docker pull command, I got the message bellow when I trying to pull the nucleus-tools:1.0.0 images.

$ sudo docker pull
Error response from daemon: unauthorized: authentication required

I also tried to login NGC with my omniverse account, generated the key with Username $oauthtoken, and login with the given password, finally I’ve got the message bellow.

$ sudo docker login
Username: $oauthtoken
Login Succeeded

$ sudo docker pull
Error response from daemon: pull access denied for, repository does not exist or may require ‘docker login’: denied: requested access to the resource is denied

Could you help me with the permission issue, please?

1 Like

Hi @frank_liu

Shall we setup a session, kindly check the message box

1 have met the same problem,have you figure it out ?

+1 same problem here

Hi! Any update on the issue with the pulling nucleus docker tool image? I have the same issue as well.

@jun.tang7 , @rodolphe.assere @bastian.dose
Can you please tell me if you each have purchased Nucleus Enterprise or are within a company that purchased it?

I have a Nucleus Enterprise account with SOPRA STERIA company

Our company is registered for the DriveSim project, and we use Nucleus via that membership.