Can't import USDs from Nucleus

Whenever I try to import a USD from Nucleus into Isaac through the GUI file management system the actual asset never loads and I either get this warning for Nvidia’s sample assets:
[Warning] [omni.kit.widget.versioning.checkpoints_model] Failed to get checkpoints for omniverse:// Result.ERROR

or this one for a custom asset from Nucleus:
[Warning] [omni.usd] Warning: in _ReportErrors at line 2830 of /buildAgent/work/ca6c508eae419cf8/USD/pxr/usd/usd/stage.cpp -- Could not open asset @c:/Users/zzppb/Desktop/Entrga_01_09_2022_renders_objs_hospital/Scene_Full.usd@ for reference on prim @omniverse://</World/Scene_Full>. (recomposing stage on stage @anon:0xea772a0:World0.usd@ <0xe813470>)

In both cases when I drag the asset from the file manager to the stage tab on the right side of the screen it imports the object but nothing is visually loaded onto the screen. Any direction as to what to try from here would be appreciated. Thanks


When dragging the asset into your stage, do you see a new object in the “Stage” window, in the “world” group? The asset could be too small to be seen in you current stage.

Try opening a new stage then double-clicking the asset instead to open the usd file.

[Warning] [omni.kit.widget.versioning.checkpoints_model] Failed to get checkpoints for omniverse:// Result.ERROR

This warning can be ignored. It means that checkpoints are not supported for this asset since it is in the read-only NVIDIA mount.

[Warning] [omni.usd] Warning: in _ReportErrors at line 2830 of /buildAgent/work/ca6c508eae419cf8/USD/pxr/usd/usd/stage.cpp – Could not open asset @c:/Users/zzppb/Desktop/Entrga_01_09_2022_renders_objs_hospital/Scene_Full.usd@ for reference on prim @omniverse://</World/Scene_Full>. (recomposing stage on stage @anon:0xea772a0:World0.usd@ <0xe813470>)

This means that the asset may have broken references.

To edit our assets, we recommend copying the /NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.1/Isaac folder to /Isaac in your Nucleus. This folder is now editable and checkpoints should work.

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