A problem of usd which already in NUCLEUS loading in UE map

I have built a usd asset in Houdini and save it in the NUCLEUS.
I want to load it in a UE map, so I put the omniverse stage actor into the scene then drag the usd in the scene. but the result is nothing display(no mesh) in the scene.

I have tried double click to open the usd, it displays correctly.

Also, I have tried change the detail panel of the omniverse stage actor to load the usd, it also displays correctly.

As a beginner, I don’t know if there is something I miss. Thank you!

by the way. the kitchen set usd asset can be dragged directly and display correctly.

Here is my usd asset
menjin.rar (1.6 MB)

Hi CowolSu,
Dragging USD mode is different from setting USD mode. Dragging USD means it will be referenced in the current stage while setting USD will load the full USD stage.
If you wanted to reference the USD, it must have the defaultPrim
So what you should do is just add this line in your menjin_final.usda:
#usda 1.0
defaultPrim = “menjin”


BTW, there’s another NOTE that loading USD will auto-convert your USD stage up-axis to Z-up axis, but dragging mode will always create a temp stage with Z-up axis. So if the referencing USD is Y-up axis, you should rotate it yourself.

oh, I get your point, I am not rigorous enough. thank you very much!

may I ask more about the payload using of omniverse? because I find that the ue asset turn to usd asset by clicking “export to omniverse” will only use the reference. So, I must load the usd file completely unlike loading Pixar’s usd uninstalled by using payload.

I am curious why we don’t support it? make the exported usd asset have the payload.
thank you!

Hi CowolSu,
About exporting, you can enable “Export as Payloads” in the exporter dialog. You’ll get the payloads instead of the references.
About importing, Unreal connect didn’t support Payloads yet, the usd file will be loaded completely.


I get it, thank you very much!
Looking forward to seeing the connect support Payload loading. It may manifest the Pixar usd’s “spirit”(I guess(* ̄︶ ̄))

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