Change default instantaneous OC limit of jetson xavier

I ran a detection model on jetson xavier, while handling 6 cameras simultaneously, the dmesg fired a warning OC ALARM 0x00000001. Currently, I use jetpack 4.5.1 for the checking, in this jetpack version, maximum power I can set is 15W.

Then I found a solution to disable the warning OC on topic:

I tryed it, changed the instantaneous OC limit default value of file /sys/devices/c250000.i2c/i2c-7/7-0040/iio:device0/crit_current_limit_0 from 3600 to 5000 and then, it worked, the alarm disappered.
The question is: Is there any damage to the jetson xavier board if I increase instantaneous OC limit default value from 3600 to 5000?

I tryed update jetpack to 4.6.1 and I saw that the instantaneous OC limit default value has increased to 5000 and maximum power I can set is 20W. So is the increase instantaneous OC limit value and the increase in circuit capacity equivalent?

Are you asking about this issue on jetson NX or Jetson AGX? Please be aware that you file a topic in jetson AGX…

Also, Jetson AGX shall not hit this OC current issue…

Oh, okay, some thing was wrong, I am asking about this issue on jetson Xavier NX. Let I post them to Jetson Xavier NX topic

It is okay. I can help move it.

The question is: Is there any damage to the jetson xavier board if I increase instantaneous OC limit default value from 3600 to 5000?

Per our hardware team’s confirmation, this shall not harm. But if you increase to more than 5000, then it is possible.

Thank WayneWWW

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