CloudXR - ARCore Client on Android Studio -

I followed the documentation to build the ARCore Client on Android Studio. When press to make a build, however, I get the following two errors. It requires finding the library, and I am not clear where the folder refers to and why it is not already in the hello_cloudxr_C folder.

I tried downloading libraries under Dependencies and have these downloaded:


D:\Github\CloudXR_SDK\Sample\Android\GoogleAR\hello_cloudxr_c\app\CMakeLists.txt : C/C++ debug|arm64-v8a : CMake Error in CMakeLists.txt:

  • Imported target “arcore” includes non-existent path*

  • “D:\Github\CloudXR_SDK\Sample\Android\GoogleAR\hello_cloudxr_c/…/…/libraries/include”*

  • in its INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES. Possible reasons include:*

    • The path was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.*
    • An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.*
    • The installation package was faulty and references files it does not*
  • provide.*

Execution failed for task ‘:app:generateJsonModelDebug’.

D:\Github\CloudXR_SDK\Sample\Android\GoogleAR\hello_cloudxr_c\app\CMakeLists.txt : C/C++ debug|arm64-v8a : CMake Error in CMakeLists.txt:
Imported target “arcore” includes non-existent path

at first glance, it looks like maybe arcore dependency didn’t actually download. that would certainly cause issues. :) But sounds like you have it.

but the first issue seems to indicate a missing path. did you download/clone the entire git repo?

The directory:


should be a match of the folder in github:


So I’m trying to figure out if the instructions are missing a step or a necessary path to clone or something.

Thank you for getting back to me.
I followed the step-by-step documentation. In the very steps, it asks to download only the hello_cloudxr_c and place it under the SDK folder{sdk-root-folder}\Sample\Android\GoogleAR.

That’s why it’s not connecting to the folder!

I found the path to the library folder in the ar core; however, I can’t figure out how to change the path on Cmake to connect to it. Can you please guide me on how?


I understood the assignment wrong. I redid this process without removing the folder, obv it worked.

I ran the apk file, and got this error. The solution is to delete the ClientXR app on your phone and reinstall.

Thanks again

I am really struggling here! I was able to successfully make the built happen and got the .apk file to setup the ClientXR on an Android.

I have setup the SteamVR, and but the connection between SteamVR and Android doesn’t work. I get "Unable to init VR runtime: Hmd Not Found (108). and “verify SteanVR is properly installed”.

Can you please guide on how to solve this?

there will be no HMD until first connection from client device.

If you try to just connect to server IP, what happens?

Might need to see the client and server side log files, they might indicate an issue if you can’t ‘connect’. usually it is firewall related.

  • On the Android phone, it starts scanning the surface; when tapping to anchor, the app crashes and gives "CloudXr ARcre Client:Error [19]. Nothing happens on Steam VR.
  • See three log txt files below

Other notes that may or may not be helpful:

  • On CreateXR, if I press Star AR, I get the following error, and nothing happens
  • When I click on CloudXR Client Application “Get Application”, it only shows an ar-sample.apk in the folder

Streamer Server Log 2023-02-13 14.43.11.txt (11.8 KB)

CloudXR Server - SteamVR Log 2023-02-13 14.43.11.txt (1.35 KB)

CloudXR Server - SteamVR Log 2023-02-13 14.43.06.txt (635 Bytes)

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