I have PGI Workstation 12.5 for Mac OS X installed on a Mac running Lion. I brought the drive to a remote location that has a similar Mac and inserted the drive. When I boot up with Lion, I can’t run the compiler. The error message is
“Invalid hostid on SERVER line”. This is followed by 16 lines that refer to the license being disabled from various features.
What do I need to do to run PGI Workstation on the remote Mac? Thanks for any help!
PGI node-locked licenses are for one machine, one user.
Our floating licenses allow for more than one user seat, and all the
clients share the same license server. With a floating license you
can ‘borrow’ a seat for up to a week to use off network.
To use a node-locked license on a new machine, you generate a license
for the new machine, install it, and remove the PGI installation from your
current machine.