license problem

can i create a trail license for another computer?

the computer which wanted to use pgi compiler is not connected to internet.

Please tell me how to do it.

Hi Edmund,

can i create a trail license for another computer? the computer which wanted to use pgi compiler is not connected to internet.

Sure. First install the compilers on the system you wish to use then. Next, the hostid of the computer (via the “lmgrd lmhostid” command). From an internet enabled system, access your PGI Web Account (PGI), follow the “Create trial keys” link and enter the hostid in the “FLEXnet hostid” box. Copy and paste the generated license to a text file and then transfer it to the system with the compilers installed. By default, the license should named “license.dat” and be put in the base PGI directory (/opt/pgi). Once you have the license, continue with the rest of the PGI Installation guide on starting up the license manager.

  • Mat