I just got back from my leave. Trying to continue where i left off. still trying to enable a second usb C port from this post (Second usb C on custom carrier board)
I believe what i’m missing next it enabling the pullup resistor for the GPIO pin.
I want to know how to enable the pull up resistor for pin 228.
did you meant pin state not changed after pinmux configuration?
please refer to below steps to apply your pinmux changes.
(1) Generate device tree files and name them as new-pinmux.dtsi and gpio.dtsi,
please double check the you’ve include correct gpio.dtsi from your pinmux file.
(2) Put pinmux/gpio device trees to correct path
copy your new-pinmux.dtsi, gpio.dtsi, padvoltage to… $OUT/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/generic/BCT/
(3) Modify board config (i.e. p3701.conf.common) to include your customize pinmux. - PINMUX_CONFIG="tegra234-mb1-bct-pinmux-p3701-0000-a04.dtsi"; + PINMUX_CONFIG="new-pinmux.dtsi";
(4) Perform a full-flash of your target to apply the change.