Connect USB Type C receptacle to Orin Nano


I am developing my own board to put my jetson orin nano.
I would like to add a usb type c like there is on the devkit to be able to connect to it in SSH and be able to debug, change files, …

I’ve used the documents provided in the download center as a starting point for a schematic.
I can see how to connect the Dp and Dn pins, and how to pass the Tx and Rx through a multiplexer (and power it with 3.3V).

But I’m having trouble understanding how the 2 CC1 and CC2 pins work. I understand what they’re for, but I can’t figure out how to wire them.
I came across this forum page but it didn’t help : USB Type C without CC pin

How should they be wired? And should the usb c connector also be supplied with 3.3V via the VBUS pin, even if it’s only used for communication and not to power the jetson?

Thanks in advance and have a nice day!

Hardware design guide might help.

Also, since your multiplexer should be from another vendor, you should check with the vendor about the connection.

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