Need help to use the CONTINENTAL ARS430 with PX2.
Followed steps as per ‘file:///usr/local/driveworks-1.2/doc/nvdwx_html/dwx_radar_replay_sample.html’
at Terminal:
./sample_radar_replay --protocol=radar.socket --params=device=[- CONTINENTAL_ARS430],ip=[],port=[31122]
Error :
[14-8-2019 14:41:2] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v1.2.400
[14-8-2019 14:41:2] Release build with GNU 4.9.4 from v1.2.0-rc11-0-ga7f5475 against Vibrante PDK v5.0.10.3
[14-8-2019 14:41:2] Platform: Detected Drive PX2 - Tegra B
[14-8-2019 14:41:2] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1565804085272322
[14-8-2019 14:41:2] TimeSource: PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available.
[14-8-2019 14:41:2] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at 'eth0'. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[14-8-2019 14:41:2] Platform: number of GPU devices detected 2
[14-8-2019 14:41:2] Platform: currently selected GPU device discrete ID 0
[14-8-2019 14:41:2] SDK: Resources mounted from .././data/resources
[14-8-2019 14:41:2] SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
[14-8-2019 14:41:2] SDK: Create NvMediaIPPManager
[14-8-2019 14:41:2] SDK: use EGL display as provided
[14-8-2019 14:41:2] SensorFactory::createSensor() -> radar.socket, device=[-
[14-8-2019 14:41:2] <b>Driveworks exception thrown: DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT: RadarSocket::create, expected ip parameter missing</b>
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): Sensor Initialization Failed
Aborted (core dumped)
Please inform, how to use "@note In case of CONTINENTAL_ARS430, the additional parameter
is required."