Welcome to Create 2022.3 and its first beta release! In this post I’ll quickly go over all the great new features we’ve included in this beta release. We can’t wait to hear your feedback.
Let’s start with an introductory overview video to show you all the new features, updates, and improvements we’ve made in Create.
For all the juicy details, please view our release notes with full descriptions here: Release Notes — Omniverse USD Composer latest documentation
Create 2022.3.0 is the first in a series of beta releases that will continue to improve quality, stability, and performance of the 2022.3 release all the way to the end of 2022.
With all that said, I’d love to call just a few features we think you’ll really love.
DLSS 3 and Ada Lovelace Support
With improved Tensor and RT Cores, we’re seeing massive speedups in RTX rendering performance in Omniverse Create 2022.3. With the addition of the new NVIDIA DLSS 3 (available in RTX realtime) we’re seeing speedups of up to 4x when combined with our next generation GPUs.
MultiViewport Support
We’ve added the ability to have a secondary viewport to interact with, allowing you to view your stage through a completely separate camera.
Layer Based Live Workflow*
With 2022.2, we introduced the new “sessions” for live collaboration. With 2022.3, we can now have sessions per layer allowing for a near infinite amount of portals into your content that you can collaborate with in real time.
PhysX Updates Galore!
There have been so many awesome PhysX updates that I can’t list them all here, jump specifically to PhysX Updates section of the Create Release notes here: Release Notes — Omniverse USD Composer latest documentation
Stage Optimization with Data Adapter
The data adapter is a Kit extension that performs stage optimization. This allows complex scenes to be converted into more lightweight representations which can be displayed and evaluated more quickly. Optimizations can be made in combination or individually.
Motion Path Animation
The motion path allows you to plot the motion of an object along a curve. Enabling a high level control of the object’s motion to simplify the creation of complex motions. Motion paths can be used to plot the path of Cars, Aircrafts, Cameras and other such dynamic motions. It also makes it easy to create a chase camera for an object in your scene.
New Stage Lighting
The new lighting preset and camera modes are directly accessible in the viewport. This quick lighting panel gives you the ability to quickly try different lighting styles in your stage or while viewing your asset. You can add these lighting rigs directly to your stage or simply switch between them and your main stage’s lighting. Also, if your stage lacks lighting, we will automatically turn on one of these lighting rigs so you’re not in the dark.
Thanks for diving in on Create 2022.3. As new beta’s release, we’ll update the forums on changes, feature adjustments, and bug fixes so you can keep up-to-date on the latest and greatest. Please jump into the forums and discord to give us feedback as we march forward with future beta’s of this release!