I installed Jetpack 5.0.2 on AGX orin but the cuda can’t work.
import torch
print('CUDA available: ’ + str(torch.cuda.is_available()))
CUDA available: False
when I run ./deviceQuery, it shows
./deviceQuery Starting…
CUDA Device Query (Runtime API) version (CUDART static linking)
cudaGetDeviceCount returned 100
→ no CUDA-capable device is detected
Result = FAIL
When I run
jetson_release -v
It shows
Software part of jetson-stats 4.2.3 - (c) 2023, Raffaello Bonghi
Model: Jetson AGX Orin - Jetpack 5.0.2 GA [L4T 35.1.0]
NV Power Mode[0]: MAXN
Serial Number: [XXX Show with: jetson_release -s XXX]
699-level Part Number: 699-13701-0000-500 K.0
P-Number: p3701-0000
Module: NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin
SoC: tegra23x
CUDA Arch BIN: 8.7
Codename: Concord
Machine: aarch64
System: Linux
Distribution: Ubuntu 20.04 focal
Release: 5.10.104-tegra
Python: 3.8.10
Version: 4.2.3
Service: Active
CUDA: 11.4.239
TensorRT: 5.0.2
VPI: 2.1.6
OpenCV: 4.5.4 - with CUDA: NO
when I run
nvcc -V
It shows
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2022 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Wed_May__4_00:02:26_PDT_2022
Cuda compilation tools, release 11.4, V11.4.239
Build cuda_11.4.r11.4/compiler.31294910_0
Hi, how do you installed the jet pack? Because if you installed it using sdkmanager this will install everything including CUDA, but if you use only the flash script from l4t then you will need to install CUDA, you can do this using Ubuntu package manager:
It seems that apt upgrade update your environment to r35.2.1.
Would you mind reflashing your device with the latest JetPack 5.1.2 and checking if the issue still exists?